Its pages flipped open and halted at a sketch of her – Y/N.

Its pages flipped open and halted at a sketch of her – Y/N

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

His eyes, filled with pain, met mine.
A solitary tear traced its way down his cheek.
Swiftly, he retrieved the sketchbook and left for his room, trailed by Jungkook, Jimin, and his brothers.

Jungkook: Hyung!

Their concern echoed through the house.

Come back soon...

Y/N Pov

In the dim glow of my computer screen, I immersed myself in the intricate dance of hacking, unraveling Dong's clandestine moves and accumulating a treasure trove of his secrets.

This old snake had slithered through countless illegal activities, but his days of escape were numbered.

A notification disrupted my focus – a message from Dong's man.

"Boss is asking for the information about Y/N's gang."

The mention of my name sent a shiver through the underworld.

No one dared utter my name in the shadows, yet this fool was careless enough to do so.

I reassured myself, reminding that they couldn't possibly know I was alive.

With a composed reply, I promised the requested information would be on its way soon.

As I delved deeper into Dong's clandestine world, every file and encrypted message added another layer to the impending revelation of his misdeeds.

His escape routes were closing in, and justice was catching up.

Then, I infiltrated my own gang's secured systems, employing the cheat codes I had mastered over time.

Navigating the intricate maze, I extracted unimportant details, initially intended for Dong's consumption.

I sighed heavily and closed my eyes after sending them about some unnecessary info.

But I opened my eyes immediately as soon as I hear Si woo's cry.

I went to his room and took him in my hands making him calm down but he was not calming.

I searched for Baekhyun but he was also not there.

I looked around and started to make weird faces to  him and he stopped crying and started laughing.

His laugh is so beautiful.

I was so mesmerized and did more weird faces to hear his laugh and no time I heard another laugh which was loud.

I looked behind and saw Baekhyun.

I glared at him.

Y/N: Why the hell are you laughing?

Baekhyun: Oh- Y/N, hahahaha....

He stopped as soon as he saw me glare.

Baekhyun: I didn't expect a mafia queen to make these faces, you know.

He chuckled.

Y/N: What can I do? He started crying and I don't know where you are. So I did that to make his cry start. And look he is laughing.

I did the weird face again and Si Woo laughed making us smile.

Baekhyun came near me and took Si Woo in his hands.

Baekhyun: He must be hungry.

He then left to give Si Woo food.

I felt so light near Si Woo.

I smiled but startled when the satellite phone vibrated in my pocket.

I left the room and stood in balcony.

It's from Yoongi.

Y/N: Hello?
Yoongi: Y/N, you need to now what is happening in mafia world.

Y/N: Tell me.
Yoongi: Dong told that he killed you, to the underworld. They didn't believe it at first but he showed some video of you fighting with his men and them throwing you in a building after you acted like dead.

I remember a man filming this.

Yoongi: They believed and the coronation is going to happen soon. Dong will be crowned as the Mafia King of Korea.

I hummed.

Yoongi: Why are you humming-

Y/N: I know this is going to happen soon. But don't worry unless I am alive none can take my place. He will soon be dead.

He hummed.

Yoongi: And Uncle is coming back to clear the misunderstanding.

He said referring to the incident of media blaming the collaboration for my missing.

Y/N: Good.

Yoongi: When will you be out of your shadows, Y/N.

He spoke breaking the silence.

I can sense his concern.

Y/N: Soon, Yoongi. Soon.

He hummed and we hung up.

Thank you so much 6k votes!

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Thank you so much 6k votes!

And I want to let you know something, snowies.

The book is moving towards its end.

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