|Eighty Three|

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Words: 1420

Y/N Pov

Y/N: Alright, Baekhyun, I can practically see your curiosity burning. You're eager to know the nitty-gritty of how I survived that deadly injection,right? Well, sit tight because I'm about to spill the beans.

Baekhyun's eyes locked onto mine, his excitement barely contained.

Y/N: So there I was, trapped by Dong's injection. He believed that the poison would take around 10 to 15 minutes to do its job.

A pause lingered, letting the weight of the situation sink in.

Y/N: But in those crucial moments, I had a choice to make. My friends were clueless about my little survival plan.

Baekhyun's brow furrowed, his curiosity piqued.

Y/N: I decided to play a little trick – I let my body go limp, my eyes closed, breath held as if I was already gone. As I recounted those intense moments, I could feel the tension in the air.

Y/N: Dong's men checked for any signs of life – my breath that wasn't there. When they lifted me, I remained as still as a statue, a convincing corpse.

A brief silence followed, allowing the gravity of the situation to settle.

Y/N: Chaos erupted in the room as my friends mourned my 'death'. Dong's men took that opportunity to move me. The only one who knew the truth was me.

As I lowered my voice, I revealed the secrets I held close.

Y/N: Alone in a dim, ominous building, I was faced with danger at every turn. The faint ticking of a bomb nearby reminded me of the peril I was in.

Baekhyun's eyes widened, the tension building.

Y/N: I found myself at the riverbank, staring into the unknown. The bomb went off behind me, propelling me into the water – a desperate bid to survive.

 The bomb went off behind me, propelling me into the water – a desperate bid to survive

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The urgency in my voice mirrored the desperation I felt.

Y/N: The poison's grip tightened, my senses fading, the world slipping away.

Queen's Embrace||KIM TAEHYUNG x READER||Where stories live. Discover now