|Thirty Seven|

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Did my mind became a computer?Because it has been attacked with your virus called love!

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Did my mind became a computer?
Because it has been attacked with your virus called love!

- Taehyung



Taehyung Pov

I was about to open the gift when...

Jimin: Wait a minute, Tae.

I looked at him.

Jimin: Before opening the gift, what do you think about Y/N?
Jungkook: Yes, hyung. I also wanted to ask the same.

I stayed silent not sure about the answer.

Me: What do I think about her? A women whom I adore for her brilliance in managing her company.
Jimin: It's not about business life. I am asking what do you think about her in normal.

Me: A fr...

I couldn't able to complete that.
A friend?

I only think her as my friend?
It was before when we were talking normaly.

But now?

Jungkook: You couldn't able to complete it.

I came out of my thoughts and looked at him.

Jungkook: If she was your friend, you would have said that without any hesitation.
Me: Because she was not my friend anymore? She broke our friendship, right?

I said to justify my side.

But whenever I say friend while talking about her, something inside me is not letting me to say that.

Jimin: She did because of our actions. It was not her fault. We should apologise but you were more into it. I am coming straight to the point. Do you feel something towards her?
Me: I...

Do I ?

Me: I don't know...

I looked down thinking about that.
I heard them sigh.

Jungkook: Hyung, if you are not in love with her, then I am going to propose her.

He said making me look at him in shock.

Me: What?
Jungkook: I like her. So, I am going to do that.

He stood up and was about to leave,

Me: NO! Wait!

I stood up.
He turned around.

Jungkook: What?
Me: You should not do that.
Jungkook: Why?

Ya. Why?
Why am I feeling jealous?

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