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I thought nothing could make me weak and nervous, but oh girl, it was all before I looked into your eyes.

- Taehyung


Taehyung Pov

I chuckled as soon as the memory of her taking slow steps towards me, making my knees go weak with that single stare of hers flashed on my mind.

I shook my head still smiling.

Jimin: What happened? You look so happy.

He raised one of its eyebrows.

Jungkook: Would be day dreaming about her.

He said with a smirk which made Jimin smirk.

I glared at them.

Me: Don't you guys have any other work rather than annoying me?

Jimin: Ahh, it hurts.

He held his chest in a dramatic way, for which I sighed.

Our conversation got cut off by Jennie and Lisa.

Jennie: Ahhh, I am so excited for the day after tomorrow.
Lisa: I know, right? By the way, is the preparation done?

Jennie: Ya, Irene said all are prepared.

She said excitingly.

I looked at Jimin and Jungkook, and they looked at me.
We had confusion written on our faces.

Me: Guys, can we know what you were talking about?
Jungkook: Ya, for what the preparation has to be done.

Soon, others joined except Y/N and Suga.
As Suga is going back because of some mafia stuff,
Y/N has gone to send him off.

Jackson: What is going on here?
Lisa: They want to know about what we are getting prepared.

Chaneyol: Day after tomorrow is Y/N's birthday.

Me: WHAT?!

I shouted in surprise.

Irene: Ya. We are preparing for that.
Jisoo: We are also going shopping to buy her gift.

I stood up.

Me: I-I need to go somewhere.

I was about to turn, but

Jin: You are going to buy her a gift, aren't you?

I smiled shyly while looking down.

I heard chuckles.

Jackson: We all can go together. As we also need to buy the gift and we can't let you go alone.

I nodded, and we all left except Irene and Rose.

Queen's Embrace||KIM TAEHYUNG x READER||Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora