|Thirty Three|

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Words: 1150

Taehyung Pov

I badly want to know about him.
I came out of my thoughts when she called me.

Y/N: Mr.Kim?

I looked at her.

Y/N: I have been calling you for about 5 minutes. If you are day dreaming, then please stop it for now. You can continue it when we reach the hotel.

I looked down being embarrassed.

Me: By the way, why did you call me?

I asked her to change the topic.

Y/N: We came to visit this place and our models . We have done that. So, let's go back to the hotel. 

I hummed.
She turned around to Mr.Lee.

Y/N: Mr.Lee, we will see you tomorrow then.
Mr.Lee: Ok, Ms.Kang.

He said while bowing to us.
We walked towards our car and got in.

While we are going to the hotel, my curiosity provoked me and I just asked her about him.

Me: How do you know him?

She was looking outside the window until she heard me.
She looked towards me while raising one of her eyebrows.

Y/N: Who?  Leo?

I nodded.

Y/N: Why do want to know that?

I myself don't know the answer for her question.
So, I stayed silent.

After few minutes, she continued.

Y/N: He was one of my business partners. 

My mouth formed a 'o'.

Me: He is not your business partner now?

She hummed.
But the next question which came out of my mouth shook the both of us.

Me: Then why did you call you babe ? 

Our eyes widened once I asked her.

Y/N: Why are you being curious about my life, Mr.Kim?

Before I could answer the car stopped.
She got down first and started to walk ahead of me while I silently followed her.

Why the hell I asked her that?

We reached our rooms.
When she was about to enter her room, I stopped her.

Me: I am sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I don't know why I asked that to you.

Queen's Embrace||KIM TAEHYUNG x READER||Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat