Y/N: Just tell him to get to the point.

Liam: Get to the point, Mr. Dong.

Dong: Rude. But I like it. All you need to do is to hack into ex mafia queen's whereabouts.

Liam leaned back and looked at Dong.

Liam: Ex mafia queen?
Dong: Ya. She was dead by my hands.

His voice held his pride.

Liam: You yourself telling you killed her. So why need her whereabouts?

Dong: Just do as I said.

Liam: I am not your servant, Mr. Tell me everything or else I won't help you.

I smirked at his remark.

I heard Dong sighing.

Dong: I still have a doubt if she is dead or not. I also need to know what her gang is doing and will be doing.

Liam hummed.

Liam: Alright. But what will I get in return?

Dong: Anything.

Y/N: Tell him you want to be his partner in his drug mafia.

Liam: I want to be your partner in the drug mafia.

I heard Dong's laugh.

Dong: Wow. I didn't expect this.
Sure, you can be my partner in fact it will be benifit for me to have a hacker as my partner.

Y/N: And also ask him to put a significant amount.

Liam: I also want a significant amount.

Dong: Sure. It will be credited to any account you prefer.

Y/N: Offshore account. The details will be sent soon.

Liam: It needs to be a bit... unconventional. An offshore account?

Dong: An offshore account?

Liam: Let's just say I have a taste for unconventional business.

Y/N: Tell him it's an account that's difficult to trace.

Liam:It's an account that's difficult to trace, you see.

Dong:Alright, if that's what you need.

Liam: I will help you.

They shook their hands, and Dong left.

Y/N: Good job, Liam. That's it for now.

He hummed, and we cut the call before going in our ways.

I went to Baekhyun's house only to find him worried.

Baekhyun: Thank god you came. I thought something had happened to you. At least tell me if you are going somewhere.

I could see the sadness in his eyes.

Y/N: I am so sorry, Baek. I will definitely let you know if I am going out. Hmm?

He nodded.

Baekhyun: Better.

I smiled.

Baekhyun: Uh, have you eaten something?

I totally forgot about that.
I looked at him, and he understood.

Baekhyun: I knew it! Come and eat.

He pulled me and made me sit before giving me food.

I nodded, and he sat beside me before we started eating.

We were watching the news when,

The CEO of Kang Royals had gone missing, and questions were raised about the collaboration between Kang Royals and Kim Marbles.

I looked at the news with wide eyes.

What the hell?

I called Yoongi immediately.

Yoongi: Hello-
Y/N: What the hell is happening there?

Yoongi: Let me speak. Someone informed media about your missing presence, and it's not us.

Y/N: It will definitely be Dong.

Yoongi: Ya. Now we have to maintain that you are sick. As they are already talking about your missing presence is due to the collaboration.

Y/N: You are right. It will affect Taehyung's company, too. Tell Dad to clear the misunderstanding and tell him to convey to the media that I am sick and taking rest.

He hummed.

Yoongi: I will. And can I know what happened today with Dong?

I told him everything.

Yoongi: But why an offshore account?

I smirked.

Y/N: It's not just an offshore account but an illegal one, too.

Yoongi: What? But if Dong credited money in that account-

Y/N: Yup. That will lead to his downfall as I am sure the authorities are watching the account's transaction keenly.

I noticed Baekhyun's jaw dropping.

My smirk grew even more.

Y/N: I need to watch his downfall in both the business world and mafia world before taking his dear life.


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