Forever mine

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We arrive at the cheese cake factory, the lights are dim, mostly full. Jeff goes up and gets us our table as I peer around the place I have not been to in what feels like centuries. 

were taken to a more secluded part of the restaurant, dimmer, the environment is calm and the music is great. I mean who doesn't like listening to Taylor Swift at a good restaurant. As we sit, the extremely long menu is placed in front of us, we ordered our drinks and began to look at the menu. The waiter came back shortly after and took our order, we got the most basic food because, I mean come on, its the whitest place to dine. As the waiter walked away he winked at me and of course Jeff noticed. 

"Gross" I said as he walked off 

"Hes not even attractive" Jeff added as we make fun of our waiter

After about 20 minutes of our conversation, we order dessert, I got the strawberry cheesecake because that's one of the best flavors they have, Jeff just gets the regular cuz he a basic white bit with no standards. 

"My love" Jeff interrupts 

"What is it" I reply curious at what hes going to ask for

I love you with all my heart and you know that, I want to be with you through our ups and downs and" he ends his sentence there as he scoots to the end of the bench pulling a small box out of his pocket. He stood but got back down real quick "Y/N, my love, will you marry me"

tears brim my eyes, as I cover my face, I nod at his question. He slowly stands and slides the gorgeous red rubied ring onto my finger. He pulls me in and hugs me tight and we go in for a sweet kiss. 

We left the restaurant and head home, back to the mansion unfortunately, Jeff does not let my hand go. We see the mansion in sight and we race back ofc I arrived first cuz hes a slow ass bitch. I hold my hand on the handle, terrified of whats to come but I know I will be okay. 

Jeff is now behind me "lets go my love" he puts his hand on top of mine and we open the door together, everyhting is dark. I turn on the lights and everyone is there including slenders brothers ready for a celebration.

"How did you guys know" 

"I told them prior, A surprise if you will" 

I turn and hug Jeff, as now everyone swarms me to look at the ring. asking questions and the girls are complaining as the jealous bitches they are. 

2 months later

They honeymoon is planned and our wedding is about to happen. Ofc im nervous, trendorman made my gorgeous white gown, the bottom is stained red paired with red glass shoes. 

"You ready darling" Trendor asks me

"I think so, I mean what else do I need" I say obviously he can tell im nervous, he handed me a shot as well as himself one

"together, we drink, a toast to you honey" we drink them and head down the stair and out to the beautiful forest, to marry my true love. 

Music plays in the background as Slender walks me down, Jeff, BEN, LJ and EJ wait on his end as all the women are on mine

timeskip because im too lazy to do the whole marital thing

"I pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss your bride"

As we kissed everyone around us cheered. As we finally made our escape from everyone we got into the car Offender had gifted us (A beautiful blacked out Lamborghini), off to our honey moon location, the Caribbean. Pulling onto the boat to take us to our private island, looking out into the night sky as we approach I keep looking down at my ring and can't help but think about how lucky I am.

We pull into the harbor and not awfully far, our beautiful house stands, Mostly windows but very modern for a cabin, it was stunning, the lights were gorgeous, the showers were large and fancy as hell, the rooms were large and comfy as well, there was a whole ass bar in the kitchen along with the fridge to be stocked up with food. I set my things down on the foot of the bed, Jeff sits behind me. 

"Hello darling" He whispers in my ear, hugging me from behind and kissing my neck

"Hello" I say, smiling, pure happiness fills me 

"How is my beautiful wife feeling this evening"

"happy, how is my husband" I say knowing whats about to happen

"the happiest ive been and very horny" He smirks

"Oh yeah, wanna do something about that" I look behind me to look at him, lust consumes his eyes. He swfitly picks me up and sits me on his lap.

" Yes ma'am I do" he kisses me passionately 

As the kiss deepens he gropes my ass, squeezing it tight and he lays me beneath him. He touches every part of my body, gently touching and rubbing it. He cuts off my blouse and gropes my tits. I smile into the kiss and just like that we're taking each others clothes off. he slides on a pair of edible panties, to tease me, my body is begging for him at this point and I don't know what to do about it, I'm too in love, too much lust to do anything about it. He licks a hole right where my pussy lies, ready to pound whatever voice i have left out of me. as he comes back up to kiss me, he slides right into me making me moan into the kiss. he slowly beging to move, whispering 'i love you' and 'you're so beautiful' and other amazing things in my ear the whole time, going faster each time, he flips me over, putting me in doggy style. 

"Oh baby you're not going anywhere tomorrow, you will not be able to move" 

"prove it baby"

he begins pounding me, fast and hard like theres no tomorrow, like I'm the last female alive on the planet, as if I am truly the only one he loves. He pulls my hair back and shoves every inch, every centimeter he has into me, he moves his hand to my throat.

"yeah baby girl, you're mine and only mine, no one else gets my gorgeous wife" 

he releases his hand and moves them to my hips, a loud moan escapes when I can feel all of him inside of me, the sensual, loving and passionate sex we give, in this moment is more than lust, it is true love. 

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