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Once you and Jeff woke up again. Jeff got up instantly to meet BEN at the door with a camera in his hands. "It would be a shame If everyone in the mansion knew about you and Yn" Ben chuckled.  "What do you want BEN" Jeff said annoyed. "Simple I want her"

"No Ben she's mine, if you touch her I will destroy your game console then kill you got it"

BEN put his hands up on surrender and handed Jeff the camera. BEN walked away and Jeff walked back into the room only to see Yn changing into her stripper clothes and other clothes covering her. He decides to mess with her a bit.

*Cat calls* " dam babe you be looking fine as fuck in those" Jeff says and she chuckles. "Thanks Jeff, I'll be back later tonight." She walks out of the room with her pole and a money bag for her tips. She gets out her phone and starts texting f/n.

                     Yo I'm on my way,
             you got liquor for me.

you know it bitch
See you soon..I have
New boots for you k.

                     Ok see you soon, 
                   Love ya bitchhhh.

She heads out making sure to let slender know she's leaving. As she arrives at the club she is greeted by some of her co workers and a round of shots. They start talking about how it has been since she left. Apparently some regulars stopped coming because you were gone. They say they should be here today but not sure. Yn head's to the locker room and opens her locker to a box inside that says glad you're back, use these tonight. -fn love ya bitch.   You giggle at the note and open it to see the boots of your dreams. You take off you clothes and put the boots on. They are red and black like your outfit. (An: change the color if you want to) you head over to the bar to get another shot before your shift. You see some of your regulars walk in. They look happy to see you so you decide to go after two of your co workers. As you wait, you gave a few private dances and made a good 5,000 bucks. You put it in your money bag and head to the stage. As you do your routine you see something on the corner but you continue. As you finish up you notice it's on of spenders proxies and two other creepypastas. You ignore it and collect your tips. (An- the song that was playing while you were dancing was beautiful liar by Shakira and Beyonce) you add the rest of the cash in your money bag and head back out. You had about an hour left so you head to the bar to get a drink. "Hey girly, guy on the corner bought you this" you look over to see EJ, you winked at him and drank it. You walked over to him to ask him a question. "Hey EJ who's with you"

"It's me, Toby and LJ" he said

"Thanks for the drink, I'm heading out soon so see ya soon"

You walk away to see LJ in a dark corner and Toby next to him. You wave at them and they look at you as you head into the locker room area. You got changed and grabbed your bag and headed to the bar to collect your liquor f/n saved for you.

"See you soon bitch and thanks"

" Your welcome girly, see ya soon."

You walk out to see the three guys, EJ, LJ and Toby.

"Sup guys"

"Sup" they said in unison and everyone started to walk towards the forest.

"So why were you guys at my club." You ask them

" To see your beautiful body, and slender said to watch you" LJ said as you roll your eyes.

"Ok then" you said as your arrive at the mansion. LJ heads to BENs room for some reason while EJ and Toby go to slenders office. You start walking up the stairs until you feel a familiar pair of hands grab onto your waist and pull you away from the stairs.

"Good evening sexy" Jeff said seductivly

I'm so sorry for not updating I'm working on typing another book I wrote in middle school and I'm posting it on here.  Some of the chapters are short but I'm trying to make them longer

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