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She could understand what people were saying but it was muffled. You slowly sat up and blinked a few times until you see Jeff, Sleder, LJ and an unknown figure in your room.

"Ahh Yn your finally awake. Care to explain your little drunken mess that happened last night." Slender said while kinda pissed off

" Well... I was chilling in my room until I got a text from my now ex boyfriend saying he cheated on me with my bff, and I was pissed and upset so I started drinking and I said 'fuck it' and drank a little more than I could handle" you explained with an upset tone. Everyone looked at you concerned. "If I see that son of a bitch again his head will be on a stake I don't give a fuck" you said sternly.

"How would you like to go out with Jeff and get some revenge. LJ here will go with you. Oh this is my brother tendorman, he will help you with your outfit and make sure your alright."

" Hello little lady, take this and then you should see and feel better" trendorman said handing you a pill. You hesitantly take it but you felt better and your vision wasn't blurry and the massive headache was gone. "Good now follow me to my room so we can take measurements" you follow him to his room when you see two more figures kinda like him and slender.

"These are my other brother splendorman and offenderman" he looked at you and back at them "they will help with your little glow up because the shit you wear is not going to fly. Your a stripper yes...well it's kinda tacky, what you wear of course." You look at him like your confused

"Don't worry dear, we will fix you up on no time" offenderman said to you.

"Now, splendor offender please take an exit while I take care of her." They leave and your with trendor. He walks into his closet taking out a nice tight black dress with some silver shimmering glitter on it.

"Put this on, your taste is kinda bland" he said as he turned to you and back to the closet to find a few more things. A few moments later he hands you a bag of clothes " take these and wear at your risk, there is silk, cotton and a few other really nice materials. Hope you like them. Your other outfit will be soon to come. Go change and knock on my door when your done" you nod and walk out towards your room to see someone on your bed.
Jeff was there with a box in his hand.

"Hey Jeff, can I help you with something." You ask him while putting your clothes away.

"I got you a little something. Don't open it until I leave tho" he said while a very pale pink was showing on his pale skin

"Thanks Jeff, would mind going to the kitchen and grab me a knife?" You asked him

"Here" he hands you his knife. " Don't fuck it up or it's your life"  he threatened

" I wouldn't mind death but I won't"

He walked out and you shut the door changing into the black dress trendorman told you to change into. You look at yourself in the body mirror you had attached to your door. It showed your curves nicely but it wasn't too much. You open the box Jeff left you on your bed. On the inside it had a note written on the top.

        I'm sorry, me you and LJ are going to kill tomorrow be ready by 10

You move the note to see some liquor, cigarettes, and some candy you liked. You closed the box and placed it under your bed with a grin on your face with a small blush. You walk out of your room to find Jeff but you run into trendor on you way.

"Oh Yn, good to see you. That dress looks good on you." He says while handing you a black pair of heels to match the dress he made. "Try to avoid offender, hes kinda Pervy"

"Thanks trendy" you tell him

He was confused about the name but he left it be. You put the shoes on and start walking to find Jeff. You see him on the couch with BEN.
He looks over to see you. He looks you up and down with a slight smirk on his face and a small blush on his face.


Sorry I haven't updated I have been taking care of things. Yes I left you on a cliffhanger sucks to be you. I'm going to try to update more.

Jeff The Killer x YnDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora