My sweet escape

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As Jeff finishes getting the bath ready, I begin to slowly get off our bed to change the covers. My les are shaking like crazy making it very difficult to walk. I now I have to call in because I wont be able to walk and I really don't want to leave Jeff alone right now. As I finish tearing off the old sheets I feel a pair of arms reach from behind me, I look behind me and I can see Jeff snuggling into my back.

"Let me finish the sheet and then Ill join you in the bath okay sweetie." I tell him reassuringly.

"No now" he looks up " please" he pleads. I hate that I can't say no to him when he's like this.

"okay honey lets go, you can tell me what's wrong okay." he nods in agreement and we make our way into the bathroom.  

He sets me in the tub first then he follows, holding onto me for dear life but in the sweetest way possible. 

"So tell me, what the matter darling?" I ask him, I'm genuinely concerned about him. He's not acting his normal self and its almost depriving. 

" I just.." he starts, "I just thought that maybe having a foursome would be fun but it just made me jealous and I don't want you leaving me because they have a better dick than I do, or they are more fun then I am. I didn't like the way they were touching on you before I could, I mean BEN pretty much came in you before I did. It was kind of upsetting I mean don't get me wrong it was enjoyable getting to fuck you and see you cuffed and everything but I don't know it just doesn't feel the same when its just me and you." He admits. I'm stunned, I never thought that Jeff could be this jealous over people like that, I mean if people were rubbing on him I would be jealous too but I didn't expect this, I mean it was his idea to get his closest friends who gangbanged me shittily. He starts again "I'm sorry sorry did I ruin the mood again, oh god I'm so sorry love." He holds on tighter like he's going to burst out in tears in front of me. 

"No honey, you didn't ruin the mood, I'm just a little stunned, I didn't expect this from you." I begin trying to reassure him. "Baby, no one is going to take me away from you and they cant fuck like you can, I mean fuck LJ was too much of a bitch to go in my pussy granted my ass hurts but I just didn't expect you to do what you did. I love you Jeffery, and no one is going to take you away from me and if we need, I do know of a secret place where we can go, to get away for a while." I also admitted one of my deepest secrets to him. Me and rake have a history for a reason and its not just because I moved into the mansion with Jeff and the others. 

Jeff holds on tighter and I lean back to get a better view of the beautiful man I admittedly love. I never though Id say those words again for a while but I do. I trust him enough not to tell anyone about my secret place. I turn my entire body to face him, I see tears in his eyes, full of insecurity, love, trust and worry.  "Jeffery baby" I start.

"Yes ma'am" he responds, waiting for something, an answer, a response, anything. 

"You cannot tell anyone about this, about the next few words that are going to spill out of my mouth, okay" He doesn't speak but nods in understanding. And I trust him. "Well, I know rake so well for some other reasons, reasons I will tell you when we are fully alone okay. But when I was little, there was a cabin in these woods that my great grandfather built me, I was a foster kid, no one wanted me because of my powers. I would get upset and accidentally get someone killed or make them disappear and never come back. I would run to the cabin all the time, just to see the person who cared, my great grandmother passed due to lung cancer, so it was me and him. It was nice until one day he went out and got himself killed. I was so upset I isolated myself in that part of the woods, and that's when I met rake for the first time, he was small of course and hell I even met his parents and few of the others of him kind. but we can leave baby, we can be alone, just me and you even if it is for a little bit. we don't have to tell anyone." A tear forms in the corner of my eye bringing back some of the sweet and sad memories. 

"when can we go" he looks down into the water that is kind of cloudy from cum and just everything. 

"When do you want to leave" I ask him in response. " I'm ready whenever you are" He smiles 

"How about tonight" He grins and begins draining the water, we haven't even actually cleaned ourselves yet but I'm not going to complain. 

"well then, lets get our shit together and get the absolute fuck out of here, I could use a little vacation." I say with a small laugh in my voice. 

We get out of the bath, him helping me even though I'm fine. I make him grab at least two bags as I have some clothes there, I doubt many fit but I bring a bag incase. I write a little letter letting everyone know we are leaving for a bit and be back eventually. Slender might not like that but fuck him he ain't going to find us unless he puts a fucking tracker on us. Leaving the note on the main table, grabbing our stuff and about to leave I forget my phone and My damn alcohol. The fuck am I thinking. I quickly run back to our room and grab all of my bottles and my phone, I was smart enough to rid that shit slender put on it. Dumbass thought I couldn't get rid of it. Quickly we rush out and begin our journey to my cabin. 

An hour passes before we make it to my post lamp I keep out in case I ever got lost. "We are almost there. 10 tops alright." he nods and we continue but instead of walking I book it and start running away from him just to see what he would do. And he doesn't run with but pushes a little faster. I can see the cabin in the distance and I turn back to see Jeff right on my ass. I stop and he stumbles into me, almost knocking me on my ass. "I was going to eat shit because of you, watch it and were here babe." He looks like he's in pure shock. 

Vines still spill from the edges, the garden looks decent although, it could use some work and definitely some more of those flowers. "Watch your step, I kinda know how to fuck shit up." I tell him and he follows my tracks into the medium sized cabin. It beautiful a little dusty but it looks as I remembered from when I was a kid. Jeff stands at the front door in shock, from what I don't know but I set my bags on the marbled island and walk back to him and steal the bags off his back and his hand. He stares in awe not noticing me taking his shit away from him. I kiss him on the cheek, grabbing his attention after about him standing in the doorway for about 5 minutes. 

"come on, I'll show you around" I tell him, grabbing his hand and leading him away from the door and deeper into the wooden cabin. The first room obviously is the living room and kitchen, that's pretty self explanatory. Leading him down the short hall way I stop at the end. " Bathrooms to the left I'm sure I don't need to show you, you know what a bathroom looks like. now to the bedroom." walking towards the right, his eye catches the red door at the very end. 

"Hey love, what's that red door" he asks pointing towards the crimson door at the end of the hall. A few good feet away from the actual bedroom. 

"Don't worry about that right now, and that's the only rule do not go into that room at all." I looked him dead in the eyes making sure he understands not to go into that room. "now, welcome to our place" I open the matte black door and reveal a beautiful bedroom. Black silk sheets, a large dresser with a 60in tv hanging above. next to the bed are small black nightstands with lamps on top. As I show Jeff the walk in closet he's stunned. Like he's living his rich person dream or something. I mean I'm sure he has money that he takes from the people he kills plus what slender pays him. "Make yourself at home imma take a shower in the good bathroom." 

"Good bathroom?" he questions.

"Yes, if you follow I will show you." He immediately chases me down to the white door in the bedroom, Inside is a clean and outstandingly large bathroom.

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