First kiss

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As you got ready 10 came faster than you thought. You fixed up your smokey eye and your eyeliner, put on your shoes and started to walk out. You walk down stairs and grabbed a cup and water before you went outside. It was 9:55 so you went outside and waited 5 minutes. Jeff walked out at 10 to see you standing there zoned out.

Jeff's pov

I walk out to see Yn standing there. Her arms on the ledge looking up zoned out. I didn't want to interrupt her so I sat and watched her for a few moments until she looked over. She jumped and yelped " what the fuck Jeff you scared the living piss out of me you ass." I chuckled " sorry you looked zoned out didn't want to disturb that. Well shall we go" I said. "We shall" she gave a small smile.

Timeskip because I'm lazy

"Jeff we almost there yet"

"We have only been walking for 10 minutes"

"It seems like hours"

"You want me to carry you"


I picked her up bridal style and she held onto my neck. We walked for a few more minutes.  "Do you trust me"
She looked at me with a confused look "what you mean". "do you trust me"  ".. ya" "close your eyes and lossen the grip trust me"

As she did we arrived to our location. I set her down with her feet on the ground.

Yn's pov
I felt my feet touch the ground. I didn't know how to describe the feeling. "Open your eyes" he whispered to me. I slowly opened my eyes to see a beautiful part of the forest, a little pond flowers surrounded us and lots of trees. It was lit dimly by some solar powered lights. Without thinking I ran into the flowers and layed down leaving my hourglass body shape imprinted. I look back at Jeff to see him admiring my childish ness.

"What you looking at" you tell him sassily



"Because I can and your pretty" Jeff told me.

Jeff walked towards me and played next to me in the flowers.

"You said you were going to tell me something. Spill.''

"Well I brought you here to tell you that.." he stopped his thoughts.

"Jeff, you ok" I looked at him with concern

He looked at me and kisses me. I didn't expect it but it was calming. I kissed him back deepening the kiss.we kissed for a minute or two until he broke away.

"I love you Yn, will you please be mine" he looked at me deep in the eyes.

"Yes I will Jeffery" I kissed him back. It felt nice having someone in my life again. He broke the kiss once more and picked me up carring me to a nice blanket near the water. There was a basket with food and drinks in it. Jeff started to pull stuff out of it. He set everything up. We started talking and laughing until sunrise. We had to go back so we raced eachother back while he was telling me to turn. We made it back and I won of course. We snuck in the house quietly hoping no one heard us. We both snuck into my room and sat on the bed. "Imma change real quick turn" I said

" Aww come on, do I have to"

"Fine you can look but no touching" you looked at him innocently. He looked intreaged by my movements. "What I'm only put shorts on and a t shirt, why you looking at me like that" you asked him

"Because your my girlfriend now, I do what I want." He says while standing up and walking towards me. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and slapped my ass for no reason. "Why did you slap my ass" I asked him. "Because it's mine" you rolled your eyes and jumped on your bed. You signal him to come lay down with you. After a little bit he finally came to you. We cuddled for a little bit before driving off into a slumber that was shortly interupted by flashing. I opened my eyes to see BEN and LJ taking pictures. "Go the fuck away" I yelled at them. They didn't go away but soon enough Jeff say up. "What's wrong guys are ass hole now go away or I'll put your heads on a stake" he scolded them. After they left Jeff locked the door. "We will kill them soon ok now let's lay back down ok" he said calmly. You guys layed down and went back to sleep.

Jeff The Killer x YnWhere stories live. Discover now