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The next morning, after our double sex session I literally couldn't walk to save my life. As I wake the bed feels empty, noticing Jeff is gone I yell for him hoping he would come in. 

"Well, good morning to you too baby girl, how did you sleep." He asked

"Better than I normally would because we don't have perverts up our ass, how about you baby" I ask him back.

"Pretty good" he says "can you not walk or something, why you scream for me" 

"yeah I can't walk fucker. why don't you get gang banged and fucked in one night" I scold him a little. All he does is laugh a little.

"Alright love, come on" He picks me up bridal style and carries me to the kitchen, setting me on the island stool. He reached into one of the drawers handing me a similar pill that trendor gave me when I was insanely hung over that one night months ago. " Here you go love, take this you'll feel much better." 

"Thank you my dear" I thank him and swallow the pill, feeling my body tingle but I feel so much better after a minute. 

"Hey, will you show me what's in the red room please baby" he asks and pleads.

I give a heavy sigh, god I hate how I can't say no to the fucker "okay, come on."

he eagrly follows me to the red room. I take a deep breath before opening the door allowing him to walk in first. If he could go paler he would what he sees is one thing I never wanted to look at ever again but here we are. 

"Baby, what happened in here" He asked as if the devil was coming after him, or maybe god considering hes a cold blooded killer. 

"well, there were many rumors and story's about where my grandfather was killed, how and why. I don't fully understand the why part just yet but the how and where I do know." I start "This was my grandfathers office, where he would do some work from home to keep the money but little did I know until a small investigation occurred, he was a dealer, he would sell drugs and sexual stuff on an illegal website to those nasty perverts. I found out he sold a few pictures of me one day." Tears began to form as I knew if I didn't tell Jeff then our relationship could be rocky and we could argue aimlessly. " one night, a gang of members pounded the door down, took me from my room and went searching for my grandfather who apparently owed them money which to find out they were in the wrong, they fucked up not him. But they threw us both in here, tied me to a chair and made me watch as they killed my grandfather, and tore him to pieces." I cried, I couldn't hold it in anymore It hurt too much, like the knife that stabbed him and ripped from him body. "I wish I could make those people hurt and I hope they are dead, if not karma better come get them before I do, I may be a stripper but I'm also a killer." I finish, standing in the middle of the room, Jeff looks like hes going to cry..I think he is crying.

"Oh baby girl, I'm so so sorry baby, why, why did they make you watch that's just cruel and to a little girl." he cried out

"they made me watch because it was a warning to me, they untied me and did some nasty things before leaving and never came back. I was 12 maybe 13 when that happened. I was glad I learned to take care of myself but I was taken in by my shitty parents, left and did what I do today, shake ass for cash because why not." I finish with a little laugh as tears roll down my red cheeks. 

Jeff came up behind me and we fell to the floor together, he held me while I just cried and balled. A loud thud interrupted our moment, a book fell off the bookshelf but how. I crawl to grab the book that fell, a grandfathers diary. I look at Jeff and if his eyes could get wider they would. I crack it open and began reading it, it seems like it was a message from my grandfather. I skim through some of the pages before Jeff takes it out of my hands. 

"hey what's wrong with you" I scold him "give it back"

"Baby, I understand but you've dealt with enough, please, can we read this later, just in a little so we can calm down okay." He says holding it up, I could easily grab it but I understand why, I don't cry and he doesn't like seeing me cry so I sigh and agree. 

"Okay but can we leave I don't want to be in here anymore." I asked, almost pleading

"Of course my love" he says and gently grabs my hand and we leave the room. 

As we exit and head back to the main room, Jeff quickly runs to the room and sets the diary in the room and rushes back to me. I rest my hand on my cheek while sitting on the bar stool, Jeff placing our dishes from breakfast into the sink. 

"One more big question dear, then I'll leave you alone okay" he asked, I can't tell if he's being genuinely curious or knows I need to get it off my chest. 

"Go ahead" i sign

"what's your story with rake." 

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