Chapter Twelve

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It was very rare the estate was a quiet place, but I had grown used to its steady rhythm. Today it was nearly bordering on chaos. Servants were rushing to and fro with supplies as the stable staff readied horses. I watched from a corner on the courtyard from beneath a tree as the beasts were handled.
These weren't chargers. They were just as restless but too fine-boned and long-legged with high arched necks. Their tack was light, but plain and dull.
They're hunters. Ryker is going on a hunt. Wait, isn't that Vincent's horse? What's he going along for? Ryker has not once taken an interest in showing Vincent anything.
The lad was standing near his horse, fidgeting with something on the animal's back.
He doesn't seem all that excited. Where is his usual racing about and urging? He's standing quietly near his horse.
I frowned and got to my feet, marching straight to the sewing room. I was surprised not to find Sofia there.
But I always find her here this time of day.
Maybe a servant needed her. It's utter chaos in here.
The servant stopped dead, face paling. "Y-yes ven?"
"Where is Lady Sofia?"
"T-the kitchens, ven."
"Thank you."
I marched to the kitchen to find Sofia with the cook.
"And do not even think about sending alcohol!"
"He will have me fired!"
Sofia leaned in so close for a moment I worried she was about to kiss the poor cook. "If you send that monster alcohol while he has my son in the middle of the forest for two gods-forsaken weeks, I will hunt you down and have you quartered. Then I will feed your body to the dogs. Is that understood?"
The cook's face drained of all color as her eyes became huge.
"What is quartered?" I asked as I came to stand beside Sofia. "I have never heard that word."
Sofia leapt out of her skin, whipping around to nearly punch me. "Do not sneak up like that!"
"Milady, Oki-ven always sneaks up on people. They walk like a hunting cat."
Sofia actually laughed. "That they do. Quartered is being pulled apart by horses, Oki-ven."
"Tia, I do suggest not sending alcohol. I have learned that Lady Sofia means it when she makes a threat concerning her son. Though why you are sending Vincent with him is beyond me."
Tia's brows knitted. "Why, Oki-ven, I've never heard you use he or she before."
"I have not had a reason to be so disrespectful to another human in your presence before, Tia."
My answer only made her shake her head. "If you say so, Oki-ven. I must prepare supplies."
"One moment, Tia. Might I suggest using empty bottles and filling them with something that smells much like alcohol?"
"Why?" Sofia growled.
"So that Tia does not get punished by either of you. I happen to like that she knows I do not eat meat in every meal, am allergic to some things and to send hot water for every meal so I may have my tea."
Sofia paused. "You have food allergies?"
"Like what?"
Before I could tell Sofia it isn't any of your business, Tia said "Ven has a terrible allergy to shellfish. Apparently it is a horrible issue in Zenith, and was one when ven went to Pansae. Seafood is a major part of both country's diets. So Ven informed me the day they arrived." Tia chuckled. "But someone is picky about the way red meat is cooked."
"I have not been eating it very long, okay?" I pouted. "It tastes funny."
Sofia raised an eyebrow. "It tastes funny?"
"How about you try to eat a traditional Zenith meal for the first time? Let me see how much you enjoy it." I retorted back. "You will probably spit it out."
"Like you do when Tia serves you bacon that is not practically raw?"
"Why are you sending Vincent with Ryker?"
"I have no control over it, Oki-ven. A Ziir is supposed to do these things with his sons." She turned away from me, grabbing her stomach.
"But Vincent is your son."
"He is a boy, Oki-ven. I told you the books were accurate. It is not my place as a woman to be raising him even as much as I do. That is overlooked because there is not a soul around us does not know what kind of person his father is."
I began to pace.
I can follow them and try to kill Ryker.
But what if Vincent sees me do it? What happens when Vincent finds him dead, even if he doesn't see it?
"I could give Vincent a stomach ache. It would not be much more than vomiting for a few hours."
"I will END you!" Sofia shouted, seizing my arm.
"Sorry." I felt my shoulders slump. "I do not want Vincent to be alone with him."
"We cannot stop this, Oki-ven."
"I could trail them and make sure nothing happens to your son."
"There are too many men." Sofia replied firmly.
"I am used to -" I glanced at Tia, though she was busy ordering servants to bring empty bottles from the Ziir's room. "Not being seen while traveling busy roads."
"Oki-ven, what if you have another attack in the middle of the forest?" She whispered, leaning in close to gently clasp my cheek. "There are wild animals, and if you scream they might hear you."
She isn't going to let me go. If I have an attack in the forest and am caught by predators or Ryker's men, there would be no way for me to kill him.
"Very well, Sofia." I sighed. "I concede - this time. Besides, the mercenaries are supposed to arrive today."
"They are indeed. It is part of why Ryker is going hunting today. The extra eyes on the estate make him feel safe to leave us. The solstice is drawing close, and we need to stock up on meat."
"I want to get a good look at these men. They are rumored by the guards to be brutes."
Tia cleared her throat. We both looked over. "You are very good at listening to things you are not meant to hear, Oki-ven."
"Thank you, Tia. How else do you think a bard learns the truth? Do you think we wait to be told?"
She gave a hearty laugh. "That's a good point. It also makes it easier to sneak into a Ziir's wife's bed, doesn't it?"
I felt my face flush with heat. "What are you accusing me of, you plump hen?"
"Only the obvious. Did you woo her with your magical voice and then listen close to her troubles?"
"Tia!" Sofia gasped in horror, putting her hand to her mouth.
"Forgive me, milady. I'm used to speaking more candidly with Oki-ven. Sometimes I think they don't like to be called a girl because they're rather boyish."
"Excuse you, Tia, I resemble that remark."
All three of us laughed.
"I cannot think of what to fill the bottles with."
"Put a small amount of alcohol in it, then fill it with water. It will do little more than taste like piss and make him sick to his stomach, but I do not think he will think twice about why."
"Sounds like alcohol that has gone sour." The cook replied with a chuckle. "Good idea. And Oki-ven, thank you. I appreciate you looking out for me."
"You look out for me."
Sofia sighed. "Are you two going to kiss or something? Because I believe I have a right to watch."
Tia blushed herself. "Paige! Lass! Sofia is offering to watch Oki-ven kiss someone else, darling!"
Paige was in front of me before I could blink, her lips pressed to mine. Sofia burst into laughter as I stood there like a hooked fish, my eyes wide and my jaw slack. The girl then darted to her corner, blushing redder than the peppers she was dicing.
"My, Oki-ven has a servant fancying them! Go on, Oki! Ask her if she has become a woman yet!"
"Sofia! That is not any of my business!" I retorted as my own cheeks became red.
"I am!" Paige called out. "I became a woman yesterday!"
"By Gale, that is not something I needed to know!"
"It makes her legal, you know." Sofia teased.
I stalked off out of the kitchens.
Sofia followed behind. "I must see them off. The mercs have arrived, however, and I know you want to get a good look at them."
"I do. But first." I grabbed my dagger out of my boot and handed it to Sofia. "Give that to Vincent for me. Tell the child it was my first dagger, and it is from me."
Sofia's eyes gleamed. "Is this not your mother's dagger, meant to be given to your own child?"
"Yes." I cleared my throat. "Vincent may have it. It is not like I will be having a child, and it will keep the child safe. Tell Vincent to go for the soft spots."
Her eyes became wide. "Soft spots?"
“Vincent will understand." I pursed my lips. "It is one of the first things we are taught when given military training."
"Very well. I just hope he does not have to use it."
"One day, that dagger may save Vincent’s life, Sofia." I told her calmly and softly. "Tell Vincent to keep it at all times...until the time comes for it to be passed down again.”
May they not need it for years to come.
Nodding, she gave the dagger a wary glance before hurrying towards her son. I watched a moment before turning to walk the courtyard. The mercenaries were still bunched together, watching the Ziir and guards from afar. They had already spoken with him, and were now just talking amongst themselves.
On their way by, a guard's dog growled. The guard praised the dog, who snarled at them as he urged the beast onward. On my walk by, one smacked my ass. I twisted around, seizing his wrist in a death grip before he could blink.
I jerked it forward, slammed my knee into his groin and elbowed the back of his head as he bent forward in agony. Then I let the man fall to the ground and released my dagger from my wrist holder. The dog went ballistic, snarling and snapping at the end of its leash.
Unprepared for the sudden change in behavior, the leash slipped the guard's hand. The dog was on top of the mercenary in half a second, tearing into his arm.
The dog released the man, standing over him. It was snarling and barking.
This animal is well trained.
I backed up.
"That is enough!" Ryker shouted over the mess. "What is going on here?"
"He smacked my ass, Ziir. I defended myself."
"Keep your hands off the women and children in this estate!" Ziir snarled. "If I get one sniff of you men being less than gentlemen, there will be severe consequences beyond not getting paid."
"Are ya not gonna punish the lass fer doin' that to 'im?"
Ryker glared at the man.
He's the ringleader, then.
"I have no reason to. Do not touch the women here."
The Ziir stalked off. The men glared at me.
"Try it." I snarled, flicking my wrist to reveal my dagger.
The men helped their comrade up before moving away from the main courtyard.
I can gut these bastards before they could blink. I will have more to worry about from the dogs than these thugs.
Sofia came rushing over to me. "Are you alright, Oki-ven?"
"I am fine." I gave her a peck on the lips. "I was merely making a point."
She shook her head and took my hand. "No more showing off, Oki-ven. The servants talk enough about you."
"Let them talk. It is amusing."
She rolled her eyes. "I have much to do today, Oki. Please, try not to get into too much trouble."
"The Ziir is leaving. What trouble could I get into?" I glanced over at the horses being rallied. "Sofia?"
"Vincent is leaving. What in the gods' name do I do with my time?"
She burst out in laughter. "Enjoy the break, Oki-ven. Besides, a new nursemaid is being hired."
I frowned. "Was I doing a poor job?"
"No. You were doing very well. A nursemaid is simply how nobility do it here."
"I dislike that. Can I still tell him stories and help him study?"
She smiled softly at me. "Of course, darling. Just no more tea parties."
"Look, I did not know it was only for women. I was rather upset when I found out."
"Oki-ven, I am not calling you a girl when we have tea together. I am simply enjoying your company in a way I can."
"Very well."
With one last kiss, we parted until lunch.

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