Chapter Eleven

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The morning had worn on with Sofia entertaining guests that seemed insistent on either ignoring or insulting me. After so little sleep last night and my recent attack, I was in no mood to deal with the noblewomen. Instead, I'd spent much of my time hovering in the background, listening but not really interacting.
"Oki-ven is an amazing bard." Sofia said out of what felt like nowhere.
Then again, I've not really been following the conversation.
"Is she now?"
"Yes, they are."
"I bet you my bard is far better."
"I can most certainly accept a challenge." I replied eagerly.
I need something to do.
"Sing for us, then."
"I certainly will. Let me go get my harp, and I shall do just that."
"It's in my room, my songbird. You brought it in last night to tune it before bed."
"Why didn't she take it back to her room with her?"
"I think that's a record number of times anybody has insulted someone higher ranking than them in a single sentence." Sofia growled in frustration. "It's ven."
"How is a bard higher ranking than anybody?"
I sighed and departed without saying a word.
She's better at handling this sort of thing. I'm not any good at Torren politics.
I took my time getting there, having no real desire to return. As much as I enjoyed playing for an audience, I'd played the harp a lot lately. Besides, this audience wasn't my cup of tea.
Why did she invite them over? They don't seem to be her cup of tea either. All they're doing is talking about their kids. My daughter is learning embroidery, my daughter enjoys socializing, my daughter is very good at running the household. Is this what mothers do in Torro? Gossip about their children? Don't they have anything better to talk about?
I paused to see the door open and hear movement inside.
What's going on? I always shut the door, and that definitely is too big to be a rat ruffling around.
I gently slid my dagger out and pressed myself against the wall. When I eased to the entrance, however, and leaned in to get a quick look, my jaw dropped. Sitting in a pile of Sofia's clothing and make-up was Vincent. He was in a bright red gown. Though it was much too large for him, he was admiring himself in the mirror. He was currently applying paint to his lips. He'd already applied rouge to his eyes.
I really shouldn't interrupt him exploring who he is. It might frighten him. Especially with how people are in Torro. The poor kid is surrounded by boys-and-girls-behave-like-this mindsets.
I can play another instrument. I think I have a lute in my room.
I gently closed the door, hoping he didn't notice.
May Ryker not find the child in a dress, Sigrid.
I quietly left, making my way to my room. I could explain myself when I got there.
And it will have nothing to do with Vincent exploring. This is a very private matter. Only Vincent can find them self.
The night air licked my skin as I scoped the estate's parameter. The guards were long used to my patrols, and corrected their dogs when they barked. I scaled the wall to peer out into the night, watching the guards on the outside and listening to them talk.
"Did you hear? The mercs he hired this time are little more than thugs."
"The people he's hiring are getting rougher and rougher. Next thing you know, we'll have to be protecting him from the men he takes to the borders."
So he's hiring the worst kind of mercenaries. This ought to be interesting. He probably doesn't have the coin to hire more upstanding men.
I glanced down into the gardens and blinked. Sofia? What's she doing out in the gardens this late?
I slipped down from the wall to hurry over. "Sofia? What are you doing out so late? Are you alright?"
She whipped around with a gasp, hand on her chest. When she saw me, she relaxed and gave a beaming smile. "Oki-ven. I was looking for you. I thought perhaps you came out for a walk."
"I was walking the wall. The mercenaries are coming soon."
"Then he will be patrolling his borders soon."
I took her into my arms for a passionate kiss. Sofia embraced me to deepen it. When she pulled away, I let out a little growl of frustration. Then she took my hand with a wink and tugged me to a little alcove along the wall.
The guards never patrol here. This is a blind spot I've scoped out as a place to escape.
"What are you up to, Sofia?" I chuckled.
She pressed me against the wall to continue the kiss, sliding her hand under my tunic and vest. It slid under my brazier straight to my nipple. I let out a low moan as she pinched and tugged on it. Grabbing her by the hair, I pulled her to my lips.
Just as she released the kiss to gasp for air, I saw a twinkle of light. I gently pushed her off me, looking for it again. Sofia turned around.
"What is the matter? I do not see anybody."
"I saw a light."
Sofia tried placing herself in front of me.
I am not the one who needs protecting.
"There!" I pointed at another one. "There are more. That one is higher."
When Sofia burst into laughter, I glared at her. "Those are fireflies, Oki-ven! They are harmless little bugs that use a little light in their butts to attract mates!"
I watched in fascination. The entire garden was soon blinking from the little insects. "I have never seen..."
"The climates you have been to were either to hot or cold for them. This is their most northern habitat. They mate in the summer, lay their eggs underground and are born in the spring. By late fall they will all be dead. They live all year in some parts of the continent."
Sofia turned back to me, pressing me against the wall again. "Never mind the fireflies, Oki-ven. I came all the way out here for you."
She then resumed where she left off. I found myself relaxing into her touch and began to explore her body. I gave her butt a reflexive smack. Sofia's soft moan made me smile.
Oh really?
"Shh. Be a good girl." I whispered, smacking it again. "Or someone will get a spanking."
"Is that supposed to be a threat?" She purred back. "It sounds more like a promise."
"I would never threaten you." I smacked her a third time.
Sofia purred out happily as she unbuttoned my vest and slid my shirt up. Scooting up my brazier, Sofia began to suck and lick my tits. I grabbed a handful of her hair to push her closer, trying to withhold my moan. It still came out as a breath gasp.
“Bite me.” I commanded in a breathless whisper.
Sofia smiled around a tit. When she didn’t bite, I gave her hair a tug. “Be a good girl, Sofia.”
“Spank me and I might behave.”
Naughty, naughty girl.
Chuckling at the girl’s returned spunk, I obliged. I gave her a firm, nice spanking. Even through her dress, Sofia squirmed and quietly moaned. She lightly bit my nipple.
"Good girl," I whispered, grabbing her ass instead of smacking it.
Suddenly, Sofia unbuckled my belt. She jerked down my trousers.
I gasped and reached for them. "Sofia? What are you doing?"
She looked up through her eyelashes. "Does this make you uncomfortable?"
"This is not appropriate! What if someone sees us?"
"Nobody but the guards are out this late. You told me they never come this way." Sofia peered up at me with a gentle smile. "If you are uncomfortable with this, we can take it to my room."
I looked around.
I know they do not come this way. This is one of my best escape routes.
Gods, this is a bad idea. If we scream too loudly they will come this way anyway.
But this little minx has me. I don't want to wait.
"Someone has gotten me worked up enough that I have apparently gone insane." I winked at her.
"Naughty little me." Sofia giggled before pushing my trousers all the way to my knees. She delved her tongue inside with no warning. Seizing her head, I threw mine back with a moan a little louder than I'd intended.
I attempted to guide her with tugs on her hair, but she ignored them. I quickly realized she wouldn't follow my pace and found myself following hers. I let out a low groan, feeling myself slowly reaching the edge but unable to peak.
Sofia pulled away.
"Damn it, not now." I growled out. "I am so close."
"But you are not relaxing, Oki." Sofia said gently. "Are you sure you do not want to go to the room?"
"That is not the problem. It is private enough that it is not bothering me."
"Then what is wrong? Why are you holding yourself back?"
"I am - not used to this."
"To what?" Sofia rubbed my legs. "If it not too public, what are you not accustomed to?"
"Not being in control."
"Do you trust me, Oki-ven?" Sofia asked softly, peering up at me through her lashes again.
I blinked several times. "Yes."
Do I trust her? Truly? Why does that not feel like a lie?
"Then relax, my songbird. I will make you sing."
"It is not that simple."
"It can be. Relax, and stop focusing on not being in control. Trust me to hold you up and bring you up, Oki."
I can at least try.
I nodded. Sofia started slowly, kissing along my thighs and purring out moans. She licked softly along my clit before increasing her pressure and beginning in earnest. I closed my eyes and just felt.
As my shoulders relaxed and I lost myself to the sensations, I let my mind blank. It took almost no coaxing to build me up and over the edge. I bit my lip so hard I tasted blood to hold back my screams. My legs became jelly and nearly buckled.
For a microsecond I expected a wall of pain. As Sofia held me against the wall with a firmness that belied her small frame, I realized it was the orgasm and not an attack. She eased me down before guiding me to the ground. Her arms wrapped around me to hold me for a few moments, gently kissing me. Then she redressed me with a gentleness that took me off guard.
"Good girl." She whispered as she held me.
I let out a breathy chuckle. "I thought that was my line."
"Well, I stole it." Sofia replied with a grin.
We laid together watching the fireflies. I reached to touch her, she stopped me. "I am still healing, but thank you."
"Did you ask for medicine? It has been long enough that you should have healed."
"I did this morning." She assured me. "I should have before, but I did not realize how badly he had hurt me."
Nodding, I held my lover until my eyes slipped closed. Sofia shook me awake.
"You are dozing off. Perhaps we should head inside."
"Yes. We should."
I picked myself up and did my best to make it look like we had not just had sex in the garden. Then I followed Sofia to her room. I didn't even hesitate to wrap around Sofia, and drifted off without a second thought.
Movement woke me to the early light of dawn. Sofia was getting up. A servant was filling a tub with hot water. I groaned.
"Sofia, you will fall ill if you keep bathing so much." I grumbled.
"You said the same thing about chewing a tooth stick and washing your hands before treating wounds, and before and after the wash room. Have you not noticed your teeth feel better and you getting sick less? Have you not noticed that wounds are less likely to get infected if you clean your hands and the wound?"
"But I have seen people get sick from bathing so much."
"Oki-ven, it is colder in Zenith. You have gotten to the point where I cannot stand the smell of you, and are developing rashes from being so sweaty. Wash yourself and your clothing or sleep in your own room. I refuse to have sex with you or sleep next to you again until you are clean."
I narrowed my eyes.
Why do I hate the idea of not sleeping next to this woman more than not having sex for days?
Fuck. Most of my things are in here again anyway. Moving them back and forth is getting under my skin just as much as the idea of not sleeping with and next to her.
Slowly getting out of bed, I stripped one article off at a time. Sofia waved to a servant. "Wash these extra well. Soak them if you have to."
"Yes Milady." She bowed and gathered the clothing, wrinkling her nose.
I glared at the servant hauling away my clothing like they had been sprayed by a skunk. When I joined Sofia, she applied a very liberal amount of soap onto the sponge before scrubbing me raw.
Sofia dropped the sponge, her eyes growing wide. "I am so sorry, Oki-ven!"
"Do not scrub off my skin if you expect me to do this a second time with you!" I snapped. "My skin is so raw I am nearly bleeding!"
"I will be more gentle next time if you bathe more often!"
"I will fall ill."
“In cold weather it is not a good idea. In the winter here, I only do it after the estate is warm, and I immediately dry off with a clean cloth. They get sick because it is too cold, not because of soap and water.”
“…fine. You do not seem to fall ill, so I will try it your way. If I get sick from it, I will go back to my way.”
“That is fair.”
I washed Sofia far more gently and far less than what I had received. Getting out and drying one another off, we dressed together before going to the gardens for breakfast. There I added my herbs to the tea as I did every morning. Afterwards, we went our separate ways.

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