Chapter 3: the aftermath

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Katsuki looks at the body of his mother , his creator, the person who is meant to always be there for him, lying on the ground,lifeless. His eyes begins to swell with water and his ears ring as he tries to process what just happened what he just did. He thinks of izuku, the person that he wanted to become a hero with and who he was meant to protect. Katsuki has a wave of guilt wash over him as he realises that his best friend was murdered by the thing that swore to protect him -himself. Katsuki looks at Shoto who's looking over the edge.

Katsuki B: "I-I d-didn't mean t-to," he stares at his hands in while crying. "I'm s-so s-s-sorry Tenko I don't know how to control my quirk! I didn't want to hurt Izuku!" Katsuki falls to his knees as he starts sobbing.

Toya and Isaiah runs to his brother and Sunny and Elijah try to calm down katsuki by saying that his quirk is new and he couldn't control what happened. The 4 older children take katsuki and Shoto away from the body's while ace who also starts to break down follows.

Tenko just stares. He stares at the broken, wooden fence. He stairs at the gap where his little brother fell through. He stairs at the crystal blue sky. The birds. The green grass. The green trees. The green vines twisting around the trees. He stairs at all the green things surrounding him, all green and full of life. He watches as they all dance in the soft mid-summer breeze. He thinks of his baby brother. The day izuku was born is the day he became responsible for another life as he knew that his parents wouldn't take care of izuku. He cared for his brother. He protected izuku as best as he could. This morning when Tenko woke up before his brother he just watched his brother breathe before getting ready and waking izuku up. He thought how he wished he just spent more time with izuku even though he spent practically every moment with him. He wished he could have protected him better. He wished his baby brother was still alive. He wished he could see his bright green eyes that sparked again. He wished he could see his messy white hair that was a nightmare to take care of again. He wished he could see the excitement in his face when he picked izuku up from kindergarten again. Tenko slowly walked towards the edge and fell to his knees, he looked down and ...there it was....izukus lifeless body. He stood up. He picked his foot up and put it over the 50 foot drop. He lent forward prepared to join his brother in the after life when.

Toya: "ARE YOU CRAZY?" Tenko was pulled back by the shorter but older boy. "Tenko...I know how much izuku was to you but he wouldn't want you to die over his death. He would want you to live and be happy"

Tenko and Toya sit in the ground together next to the cliff. Tenko grabs onto toyas shoulder whilst burying his face into his chest while crying over his brothers sudden demise. Toya wraps his arms around Tenko head.

Tenko M: "Toya" he says between shallow breaths

Toya: "yeah?"

Tenko M: "d- do you think he was in pain? Do you think he was scared?"

Toya: "I don't know, he probably didn't have enough time to think about that"

Tenko M: "I just wished I could've been there for him if he survived a bit after he landed, I wish I could have saved him, I wish it was me instead of him. He was only five years old..."

Sunny: "we called the paramedics come on!" He rushes over and helps Toya pick up Tenko who's eyes are red and puffy.

They head down the hill and the blue and red lights flicker won the ground and become more visible as the sun begins to set. Three ambulances were there and one cop van. The dead bodies were taken in the ambulances and the kids were taken to the hospital in the van.

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