Ghost Girl Invades

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(Kuruma P.O.V)

How long has it been since Mihawk left the castle? Maybe a day. 

I needed him.....

I needed him now.....

No I'm not going to be like an obsessed lover. It's just that.......he just kissed me.

HE JUST KISSED ME. And right after we kissed, he just left to Marineford.

The reason why I need him is because firstly, I wanted to catch up with him. I wanted to make up for all those days I didn't talk to him. All those days not talking to him was almost unbearable. 

The second reason why I need him with me is because I don't want to talk to Perona or the humandrills now. There's a giant blush on my face, I know there is. I just know that Perona or the humandrills would give me a questioning look. 

I don't want to explain what happened, it's too embarrassing. 

I sighed. I missed him already....

But I know just what to do during the time he's going. I'm going to train like I never did before!! That way when he gets back from the war, he'll see me as a stronger woman! I would actually love to have a friendly spar with him!

That's what I'll do, I'll train. I ran back to the castle, my sword awaits me! That exciting and motivated feeling started to come. That feeling to just destroy everything that comes my way with my sword, it's just too exciting!

And no, I don't want to kill people nor carelessly destroy literally everything. 

Eventually, I reached the castle doors. I swung them open with all my might. I was about to just rush up the stairs. 

That was...until I caught a glimpse of a pink-haired beast raiding the fridge.....

What is an endangered species on the island...? Probably....the humandrills are a dangerous species, they seem to feast on a lot of things. This beast might just be looking for food...

But then again, almost everything seems to be dangerous on this island. The humandrills, Mihawk's power, and my own recklessness. If I'm not careful, I can be the beast's food.

Carefully, I walked towards the beast....making sure I didn't startle it. When I tried to reach out for it....


Oh it's just Perona.

"Where were you when I needed you?! I was SOOOO hungry!!!!" she whined and stomped her foot onto the floor. I made it clear that I didn't want to see her.... 

"Well you didn't send me any hollow so I can come to your aid. But anyways, I mistook you for a pink-haired monster. Why is there food all over your face?" I asked.

"I was VERY hungry!! I couldn't help but get food all over my face!!" she pouted, I rolled my eyes in response. "Whatever, make sure you clean up your mess after eating. I'm going to train." I turned to head back to the stairs.

"Before you do that...." I groaned as I turned around, facing Perona. "What now?"

"Why're you blushing so much?"

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