(Can't think of a title XD)

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HULLO PEOPLE!!! I haven't update in a while, so here we go. Also writing this while I have a cold ;-;. If there's any mistakes in the story, please let me know in the comments below. Don't hesitate to critizise ^^, I'll give you a cookie


It was early in the morning, a little bit of sun shone through Kuruma's bedroom window onto her face. A few seconds after that, she threw the pillow onto her face. And then maybe a minute after that, she was on the floor, taking the blanket with her.

She sat up, there were small bags underneath her eyes. Her purple hair was frazzled and tangled, a hairy mess. "I shouldn't be waking up now....this is my day off from Perona..." she grunted and fell onto the floor, trying to go back to sleep. But after ultimately failing, she tossed the blanket back onto the bed, quickly combed her hair, and went outside her room.

Cold air greeted her as she left her room. The castle was empty, cold, and quiet. Mihawk's snoring could be distantly heard too. It felt a bit weird to be the only one up when the sun's just starting to rise. But she shrugged it off and walked down the stairs, hoping not to wake anyone up.

She ate breakfast alone, quietly.

She dressed up into her outfit alone, quietly.

She walked down the stairs again, quietly.

It was too quiet, at least for Kuruma. She needed some noise. Mihawk is the anti-social man but that doesn't mean he doesn't say anything at all. A little bit of talking here and there, it would still make her comfy. Being able to hear his voice would be better for her, it was much more better than the extremely quiet atmosphere Kuruma was in. 

"That's it, I'm heading out. I'm gonna freakin knock down a tree dammit." Kuruma rose from her chair, grabbed her swords, and kicked the door open. It was cold outside, the perfect time to train in her case. Swinging her swords, knocking down trees, doing all of that with the cold wind hitting her face was what she liked.

A giant smile was shown on her face. Today was going to be a good day.

Sprinting through the forest made her feel like was a little kid again. She was heading towards an open space in the forest, a place no where near Perona's resting place. The place looked untouched, it was nothing but a giant clear space. It was still a great place to train though.

A quiet, open space. Perfect.

The sun started to rise and the wind blew harder. There wasn't a humandrill in sight. The castle started to get smaller and smaller, farther and farther away.

Kuruma chuckled, swung her sword, and knocked down some trees. "FUN TIME~" She laughed as the trees fell down with a loud crash. The sound of trees falling to the ground was music to her ears.

(Mihawk P.O.V)


My eyes jumped open. I almost jumped out of my bed. I didn't realize how much I was panting after a minute, what was happening? I looked out the window, the sun was rising and its rays were hitting my blanket. What was happening so early in the morning?

The Princess and the Hawk (Mihawk x OC) (One Piece fanfiction)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum