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Lottie brought life and chaos with her. Apparently, she, Gemma, and Anne had planned a wedding since the visit to London. At supper, they started to go through their plans.
"At first we thought about making Doris the flower girl but then we realize that they're too young to understand that they can't talk about the wedding with people around them." Lottie said.

"True. Good thinking. Doris would have been a cute flower girl though." Louis smiled.

"Daisy and I would love to be your flower girls. Can we?" Phoebe asked shyly.

"Of course!" Harry immediately agreed. Then he looked at Louis. His husband seemed moved. "I'd love that!" Louis replied.

"Niall, would you like to be the one officiating the wedding?" Anne asked.

"It would be my honor." Niall smiled.

"Gemma and I will obviously be your maids of honor unless you object to that?" Lottie pouted.

"Sounds great!" Louis smiled and Harry nodded his head.

"Who do you want to be your best men?" Gemma asked.

Louis looked at Liam.
"Wanna be mine?"

"Absolutely!" Liam beamed.

Harry looked at Zayn.
"I'd love to!" Zayn answered before Harry had even asked him.

"We're having the wedding in the library at eight, three days from now." Anne announced.

Harry looked at his father.
"Will you be there?"

"I wouldn't miss your wedding, Harry." Desmond answered and Harry felt happy and relieved. It meant the world to him.

"Girls, you're on flower duty. Pick them the same day as the wedding." Anne said and smiled at Phobe and Daisy.

"We will!" Daisy answered.

"I will be in charge of the menu." Anne said.

"Wow, thank you! All of you! It makes me so happy that you all are willing to go to an arm's length for our wedding." Harry beamed, unbothered that it was their second time around.

"I concur. Thank you for being so lovely and open-minded." Louis said.

"I'm glad that Harry and Louis have such supportive families. In these days that's uncommon." Liam added.

Knowing Liam's family situation Harry squeezed his arm to comfort him. He and Louis were very lucky.

Three days later it was finally time for them to renew their woves. At eight they stepped inside the library where Louis' mother used to teach and they both gasped. There were candles and flowers everywhere. Their families had decorated every inch of the room and even hung a white sheet around an arch. Everyone was smiling and dressed in their finest clothes.
"This is incredible!" Harry managed to get out.

"Yes! How did you manage to do all this?" Louis asked.

Everyone just smiled at them. Niall went up to the front of the room and stood in front of the arch. Anne took a seat by the piano and began to softly play a wedding tune. Daisy and Phoebe came up in front of them and then they walked down the aisle and threw flowers on the floor. Zayn and Lottie walked next to each other and then Gemma and Liam. Harry looked at Louis with misty eyes. Their first, intimate wedding had been wonderful but this was everything Harry had ever dreamt about. Being able to marry the love of his life in front of family and friends.

He took Louis' hand and they walked down the aisle and stopped in front of Niall. Anne joined her husband and Lewis by the side. Niall cleared his voice.
"We are gathered here tonight to witness my dearest friends, Harry and Louis, renew their wedding vows in front of friends and families and I couldn't be more honored to initiate their second marriage as well."

Niall had to collect himself for a second and cleared his voice again.
"I've had the fortune to stand by these two men since they gracefully took me into their home and made me a part of their family, and see the love they have for each other. Now, I don't know much in life. I'm a simple man from a simple background, but one thing I'm absolutely sure of, Harry and Louis are made for each other. You both wrote wedding vows. Who wants to be the first to share?"

Harry glanced at his family. They were both teary-eyed.
"I'll start."

He took both of Louis' hands and looked him deeply in the eyes.
"The world is a dark and scary place for people like me right now but you light up every corner of it. Louis, I love you. You are one of the kindest, sweetest persons I've ever met and you make me feel safe and loved. The way you support me means everything. You always have my back and you have done so much for me and my family. I promise to love you and cherish you for as long as I live."

Louis wiped his eyes before he spoke.
"Growing up and realizing that you're different is tough but you have always made me feel good about meself, good about us. I never once heard you question it, and correct me if I'm wrong but you've always accepted yourself and me in the process. You make me strong, Harry. Having you by me side makes me a better person. For every question why, you are me because. I love you and I won't ever stop loving you no matter what. You and me is all I ever known and I'm looking forward to spending the rest of me life with you."

Harry smiled through tears. Niall spoke up.
"With no actual official right to do so, I still pronounce you husband and husband. You may kiss."

Harry cupped Louis' face and they shared a soft closed mouth kiss. Lottie clapped her hands and that made everyone laugh and join in.

They got hugs and congratulations and then they headed to the dining room and ate a late wedding supper. It was the perfect night and Harry and Louis couldn't be happier.

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