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It only took about half a day before Niall had charmed Harry's mother. By supper, Liam and Zayn managed to break the ice as well. Lottie liked all of them immediately and Lewis, well no one really knew what he was thinking about at all. Louis decided to ask him straightforwardly.
"So Lewis, unfortunately, I haven't really had the chance to get to know you. When you leave here, are you going to turn us in?"

"Louis." Harry gasped and put a hand on his arm.

Lewis looked at Louis and then he looked at Harry.
"You are my brother-in-law. Both of you I guess. I must confess that I'm a man of faith but I also love your sister and if something happened to you it would break her heart. I don't want to be the cause of that. I won't tell a soul."

"Thank you." Louis smiled.

"I think you should come home with us after all." Anne said.

"I think we're safer here, where we can blend in." Harry replied and his mother looked unhappy.

Their family members stayed another day. Harry and Louis had a discussion when they went to bed and they made a decision together and gathered everyone.
"Lottie, if something would happen to me I want you to make sure that Harry has everything he needs. I want him to have money and that he and Niall, Zayn, and Liam can continue to live in this house."

"Don't talk like that! Nothing's gonna happen to you." Lottie whined.

"Just in case. Mrs. Styles, I hope you and your husband and daughter will continue to take care of me family and the house?" Louis asked and looked at Harry's mother.

"Of course." Anne replied.

"Remember that Louis and I consider these three men family. Please treat them accordingly if something happens to us." Harry added.

"Stupid law! I hate this!" Lottie burst out. Lewis wrapped an arm around her.

"You're not the only one." Niall sighed. He wasn't interested in men (or anyone for that matter) but he was scared for the sake of his friends.

Supper that evening was quiet. They got up early in the morning and waited for the coachman to arrive.
"You have to come and visit over the summer. We want that wedding!" Lottie said.

"Is it safe to hold a wedding? What if someone sees it?" Harry questioned.

"We'll have it in the evening and we'll keep to the house. I'll make sure it's safe." Anne replied.

Harry and Louis looked at each other.
"Alright. We'll promise to visit. June?"

"Perfect." Anne smiled and turned to Zayn and Niall. "I expect you to be there as well."

"We won't miss a wedding." Niall smiled and Zayn and Liam agreed.

The carriage arrived and they said their goodbyes.
"Stay safe." Lottie said and hugged them all.

"Be careful." Anne added and she also hugged all five of them.

"We will." Harry promised.

They waved until they couldn't see the carriage anymore and then they headed inside. Harry went to his art room and continued on the second stone plate. Niall and Louis played chess and Liam and Zayn went to their bedroom to have a nap.

The days passed slowly. Their involuntary isolation was starting to take a toll on all of them. Zayn missed the theatre. Niall had lost his inspiration to paint. Liam who was used to a hectic social life was getting restless. Louis was pissed off. Harry buried himself in his stone project as if he thought that the Buggery Act Law would break as soon as he had made all 28 pieces. He wasn't that delusional but it felt great to silently protest even if no one knew about it except the men he was living with.

When May arrived he had finished and buried two more carvings with help from the others.

Louis rented horses and a carriage. They decided to drive it themselves rather than rent a coachman. They would take turns.

It was a bumpy ride as always. They stopped when the horses needed to rest and rented rooms for the night, making sure to get separate rooms so no one would suspect something. Five men traveling together without female company was suspicious enough.

They made it without complications. Louis' siblings came running outside when they spotted the horses and carriage. Harry's father emerged from the stable and immediately hugged his son while Louis almost fell to the ground when his siblings tried to hug him at the same time.
"Hi! I've missed you so much!" Louis smiled."Oh gosh, you have gotten so big!"

"Dad, these are our dear friends, Niall Horan, Liam Payne and Zayn Malik." Harry introduced the guys.

"Desmond Styles." His father said and shook their hands.

"We have to tell Lottie that you're here!" Daisy said.

"I'll send someone by horse." Desmond replied.

Lottie lived with Lewis at a house nearby. Harry smiled at his father.
"See you soon?"

"At supper. Go and hug your mother and sister now." Desmond answered.

They grabbed their suitcases and headed up to the mansion. Niall and Zayn's eyes grew wide when they spotted the fancy house. They both came from simpler backgrounds and weren't used to houses like that.

Harry's mother and sister came running out of the house and Anne immediately hugged her son.
"Hi, mom." Harry smiled.

"I'm so happy you're here." Anne replied.

Harry hugged his sister after that. He hadn't seen her since Lottie's wedding last year. He noticed that his mother hugged Louis and that made him happy. When she continued to hug Niall, Liam, and Zayn he smiled widely.
"Come in, we made something to eat. You must be exhausted." Anne said.

"We're happy to be here." Niall said.

Anne and Gemma showed them to their rooms. When Anne suggested that Harry would share rooms with Louis, Harry hesitated.
"Are you sure? Wouldn't that look suspicious?"

"Oh, our dear mother should have been an actress, Harry. She's has going around complaining loudly that she didn't know how to solve the sleeping arrangements with such a large company. You should have heard her. The housekeeper suggested that you might share." Gemma grinned.

Harry laughed in surprise and looked at his mother. She seemed proud of her master plan.
"Go ahead, darlings."

"Thanks, Mum." Harry beamed.

Liam and Zayn shared a room as well and Niall had a room by himself.

Lottie and Lewis arrived and they all greeted her happily.

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