23. Hospital Birthday's

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- Luke Miller - 

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- Luke Miller - 

Rolling around in the spare chair that I had pushed up against Sky's bed, I couldn't seem to keep my eyes open, but I couldn't sleep. The paranoia of knowing that she could wake up and I wouldn't be there when she did. I knew that she would need me, and I needed her more than what she would ever need me.

So, I had convinced myself that I had to be the one that was there when she woke up. It had been an entire week since I had gone to the shops with my brothers, and I hadn't gone anywhere to shower or even sleep in a bed. I had rotated between this seat and the couch in the room. No one had argued with me against all of it. 

Only Riley had tried to convince me, but I could see it all on his face. He wanted me here with her, and there was no debate about it. If anything, I was one of the only ones that she had truly trusted through all of this. I had stuck by her for the past 3 years, when it had felt like her world was crumbling, and here I was, still here with her. 

"Luke" a voice grumbled, and I just rolled over, looking at my older brother that was slumped against the wall. He didn't look good at all. Worry immediately rushed over me, flooding my entire body. "Yeah?" I murmured, keeping my voice low as I knew that the rest of them were still sleeping. The sun hadn't even risen, making me realize just how much sleep I was really missing. 

"Can you get me a bucket?" and with that, I was uncurling my long limbs and rushing to the bathroom, where I knew the bucket was. I had gotten it so many times on the rare occasion that Summer would wake up, just to get rid of all of her old medication, before I had to sit there and watch her be pumped with even more drugs and medication. 

I had no idea what was going on with Summer, but it worried me. Not only was Skylar in a bad way with her heart condition, apparently Summer had never been in a good shape since she had been in that accident on that beach, when her and Skylar had gone for their last swim. 

There last swim before everything had turned upside down and inside out. It had felt that way. Rushing into the bathroom, I grabbed the same blue bucket that I had every time, always chucking it in the shower to give it a clean, as I rushed to see that my older brother had already vomited his guts up onto himself and was about to pass out. 

I stood for a split second, unsure of what to do. I had just watched my brother vomit on himself, as I had already watched my older sister do it too many times to count. This isn't how it should have been. I shouldn't have been standing here, watching this happen. Rylie was somewhere, and this was one of those times that I really needed him to be here to tell me what to do in these types of situations. 

Walking over quietly, I reached towards George's head as I crouched down, moving his mouth out of the way of his own vomit, as I quietly placed the bucket in between his legs. Seeing him gag, I held his head up and towards the bucket, so that he wouldn't have more vomit running down his jumper. He vomited once more, into the bucket, before his head fell into my hands, letting me know that he had passed out. 

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