10. Growing Apart

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- Skylar Miller - 

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- Skylar Miller - 

As Luke and I silently rummaged through my room, gathering things we would need to leave, it dawned on me. We would be finally leaving this small little cocoon my brothers had surrounded all of us in.

I was still wrapped in a blanket, which made it harder for me to gather the things we would need, but it was the only think keeping me together.

Keeping my sobs at bay.

"Come on" the backpacks were zipped up, Luke throwing them over his shoulder as he grabbed my hand gently, pulling me out of my room.

As soon as my feet hit the cold floor outside my room, I hesitated.

Was this really a good idea?

Luke turned around to see my hesitation plastered all over my face, as he gently tugged on my arm for me to keep walking.

"Do you want to deal with the wrath of Shane for something you didn't do?" he questioned, any hesitation leaving my body as the two of us practically ran down the hallway and towards the staircase.

A voice floated up the stairs, halting our movements. The two of us pressed our bodies to the wall closest to the stairs, steadying our breathing as we heard someone shout from the stairs.

"Luke, we are leaving. Don't do anything stupid" and with that, we heard the front door slam shut behind Brayden. Before I knew it, I was dragged down the steps and towards the front door. The two of us peeking out the glass windowpanes to see our older brother's car leave the driveway.

Luke and I had our noses mushed against the windowpanes, hands clasped in one another's as we saw our eldest brother, Shane, leaving the driveway, in the rain. I wondered where he was going, after he promised he would read me a bedtime story before nap time. 

Once we had seen the cars leave the driveway, we slipped out the door, making sure that it was locked, as we started walking down the driveway.

I noticed how perfect our house was; not a single crack could be seen in the driveway along with not a chip of paint was missing from the wood on the side of the house. Clearly, I was so stupid not to see the fact that our family was living the ideal lifestyle, to everyone around us.

But to me, our family was just as broken as a smashed cup was.

That's all it took for our family to fall apart; for someone to be ripped from us and everyone would be turning their backs on one another.

Just cut me loose.

"Why don't you want to speak to me?" Luke asked, pulling me out of my thoughts of our perfect family. I just shrugged my shoulders, not really knowing the answer myself.

Why didn't I want to talk to them? Maybe because I felt as though I didn't fit in; like I would ever fit into this family again.

I was a murderer, in the eyes of my family.

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