04. Patching the Wounds

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- Skylar Miller - 

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- Skylar Miller - 

"Have you seen that the Martinez's have finally resurfaced again?" I heard Mia say as soon as I had walked past her table to get to mine.

Ever since my family had stopped talking with the Martinez's, they had practically disappeared from North Carolina all together.

Oliver, Henry, and Elijah all stopped coming to school.

No one knew where they went.

But whenever something happened at the school, Mia was all over it. And if Mia didn't know something, she hated it.

She didn't know that I knew about the Martinez's appearance a whole entire day before her. But one of the biggest differences between her and I was that I didn't boast about the stuff that she didn't know.

I wasn't full of her shit.

I had my own issues to deal with on the daily.

One of them being the Annual Winter Surf Competition coming up in two days' time.

"Hey Skylar! Did you hear about Oliver's appearance? I bet you didn't, loser" Mia called after me, but I paid no attention to her.

"Hey Sky, can me and my friend sit with you?" Oliver gave me a light tap on the back of my shoulder, as he had run from behind me, with a tray full of food.

I took a glance back to see who Oliver's friend was before I responded.

"Sure" I responded, as I turned to continue walking back to my table.

"Hey" I said as I sat down on the edge of the bench, Oliver and his friend sitting down beside me.

"Who are these guys?" Cara asked, glancing at me before glancing at Oliver and his new friend.

"My childhood best friend, Oliver, and his friend.. "I trailed off.

"Angelo" the boy finished for me.

He had deep brown hair, that was curly which sat neatly styled on the top of his head.

He instantly screamed a bad boy with his leather jacket, which confused me as to why Oliver had become friends with him, but it was Oliver's friend not mine.

"You guys wouldn't mind if I allowed my friends to come and sit with you all?" Angelo asked.

"Yeah, we might have to move the table beside to here though" Zara grinned.

The more the merrier, I suppose.


"How was school?" I was asked as soon as I had unlocked the front door.

Oliver and I had been forced to catch the bus home this afternoon, as our older brothers that still went to school had some sport practice or something like that, so the bus was our only option.

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