Maybe in another universe.

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The next day when y/n woke up she woke up because of the knocks at the door, she opened the door with her messy hair and all tired. At the door was bada, she looked up and down at y/n the hugs her. Y/n looked annoyed what part of breaking up bada didnt understood? Y/n pushed bada away waiting for her to talk up.

- look y/n im very sorry about yesterday you know that i love you! Please forgive me i beg ur the best thing that ever happened in my lif-

Before bada could continue y/n slapped bada
"I bet u said that too to chocol so shut up." Bada looked surprised at y/n, as y/n closed the door in her face. She looked realy annoyed because bada had the attitude to show there again after all she did to her.

Y/n poured some milk in her bowl then put also some cereals as she started to scroll on her instagram deleting photos with bada , y/n deleted everything about bada, her number phone, photos with her, everything. Y/n didnt want to have anything to do with bada from now on and that was clear. She never had something serious with bada from her opinion because bada was everyday busy or didnt replied to her texts leaving her worried which was pretty unfair because y/n was the type of person who would reply to everyone in some minutes , bada was a completely different person. She would leave people on delievered for good days and use an excuse that she didn't saw the messages. Anyways .

After y/n was done with eating she puts on some baggy pants and a baggy shirt , then y/n walked to the bathroom as she began to cut from her uair making it untill her shoulders, she then puts red dye in her hair. Y/n waited for the dye to make her effect as she washed her hair she straightened her hair and put on a new style of make up on her face , then she puts on a black cap with an star on it after that she started to walk where the dance battle with be again. She walked in as she went to her group JAM REPUBLIC. Most of the girls were staring at y/n surprised of her new style and how beautiful she was today.

- Y/n you look amazing today! I really like ur new hair and style .. u look very beautiful with red hair , you should really keep it up like this! You dont look real at all which its pretty surprising, im surprised how someone can look that beautiful just after a small change. Keep it up!

Ciara said smiling as also the other members of JAM REPUBLIC agreed. It was now time for the dance group battle as it was y/n's turn with her group, all of them started to dance. They were dancing very well and they looked amazing, y/n captured the judges with her beauty and dance. It was amazing. As the chorus of chilli started to play everyone was surprised of how synchronized they were all. And the fact that they even suddenly were on the floor kneeling, the choreography was perfect. Even bada lee was surprised of y/n's beauty and how much she got better.

After that it was time for bebe group, y/n wasnt focused at all she was talking with ciara the whole time . After bebe did the dance it was now time for wolf'lo to dance, y/n suddenly started to look at the screen as her eyes widened when she saw chocol. The whole time she stared at chocol , she felt a little bit attracted. Chocol felt like an magnet for y/n's eyes it felt like forever. Ciara puts her hand on front of y/n's eyes "hello y/n's planet , are you there?" Ciara asked as she giggled, y/n eyes suddenly widened as she stares at ciara "um did u say something ciara? Sorry i was too focused on the dance" y/n said embarassed "its okay y/n dont worry" ciara said then smiled at her.

Y/n suddenly felt a random attraction for chocol which was weird as hell. She couldnt believe how attractive was chocol just suddenly.

It was time to go home as y/n walked up to chocol and smiled to her " um hey chocol can u come over to my house to watch.. a movie?" Y/n said as chocol smirked then nodded.

Y/n started to walk to her house with chocol, when they both arrived y/n layed in bed pointing next to her, chocol smirked knowing what y/n meant.

As chocol smirked she stared up and down at y/n analysing her beauty. She stared at her pretty long lashes and her beautiful eyes . Also her beautiful lips were perfect and very red-ish which was making them look even more kissable. Chocol couldnt take the feeling of how attracted she was by y/n as she got on top of her she looks at her and got closer to her as she leans for a kiss, y/n's soft lips touched chocol lips and smiled. Well maybe y/n could say that shes very lucky to have chocol attracted to her since now bada has no bitches. For y/n she really was attracted to chocol so was chocol to her.

It felt all just like an dream it didnt feel like she was alive at all. She could feel chocol hands travelling all around her body smoothly and softly still kissing. The kiss was getting longer and the tension in the air grew very much. It was getting hard to breathe, chocol was a very good kisser but y/n never imagined she was a good kissed, well maybe in another universe with nada, but in this universe with chocol.

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