56 - Confession

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• It was when she realized she liked you
• She didn't really know what to do and just told you
• "I have this weird feeling when I'm with you."
• You knew what she meant, you just replied with, "I like you too"
• You two just started going out, you never really asked the other out, it just kind of happened

• She woke up the next day, having stayed the night in your room after the Rave'n dance
• You were already awake and smiled at her when she opened her eyes.
• She stared at you before she blurted it out
• "I like you"
• It was the cutest thing ever, she blushed so hard once she realized what she said

•You sided with him, against Wednesday
• You knew he wasn't the Hyde and you argued with Wednesday and kept him away from her
• After you got into a fight with her he told you
• "I like you, a lot. I'm glad you don't think I'm a monster."
• "Of course I don't think you're a monster. You are the sweetest guy I've met. I like you too."
• You smiled so wide when he confessed
• He was blushing but trying to hide it

• It was after another fight with his dad
• He was in your room, on your bed, head in your lap
• As you played with his hair he began to fall asleep
• You smiled down at him, whispering, "I love you, Tyler, sleep well"
• He heard you and mumbled an "I love you too" back and fell asleep
• In the morning you asked him to be your boyfriend for real

• After the Rave'n dance he protected you from the normies instead of Enid
• After he scared them off he held you tight while you cried
• You sobbed into his arms, thanking him
• He calmed you down, still holding you when you looked up at him
• "I love you"
• The next day he went to your dorm with flowers and asked you out

• You met up at the lake at night to swim
• She placed a blanket on the ground and put folded towels on top
• You both swam for a while before you got tired
• You decided to star gaze while you dried off
• She got cold and began to shiver, you noticed and wrapped you and your towel around her to warm her up
• She smiled at you
• You stared at her eyes before you broke the silence
• "I like you Bianca, more than you would ever know" you whispered to her, starting to tear up
• A grin spread across her face, "I like you too, Y/n"

• You stopped him from attacking Wednesday in the woods
• He agreed with what you said, but he was paranoid and couldn't help but try
• You wouldn't let him and sat him down to talk more about why he felt that way
• He appreciated that you listened to him, no one ever really did
• He asked you out as a way to thank you, but he meant it
• "Will you let me take you out, as a thank you for stopping me?"

• She asked you to the Rave'n dance
• She picked you up at your dorm and you two went to the cafe first to hangout
• After you sat down she told you
• "Y/n, I like you, I really really like you. Will you be my girlfriend/boyfriend/partner?"
• You went to the dance after and had a lot of fun, until it was ruined

• His sister had to tell you because he didn't know how
• Once she did, you walked up to him and told him you felt the same
• "Hey Kent, I need to talk to you. I like you, a lot. Will you go out with me?"
• He just stood there and stared for a second before he smiled really big and gave you a bear hug, repeating yes in your ear

• Again, neither of you ever really asked the other out, you kind of just said you liked each other and counted every time you were together a date
• She told you one random night while you two were sitting on a blanket staring at the stars
• She thought you looked perfect in the moon light and just blurted it out
• "God you are perfect"
• That was really it, she kissed you on the cheek before you registered what she said

• He told you all the time
• At first it seemed like he was just being weird because he never had friends but he meant it
• After the 100th time, you said it back and asked him out
• "Eugene, for the love, I like you too. Meet me at the cafe tomorrow at noon."
• He was surprised but nodded furiously after he realized you just asked him out, really told him to go out

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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