38 - Babysitting With Them

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• She HATES little kids
• "Y/n you take this thing, I don't want it"
• She just stands there while the kid cries
• If you try and make her change a diaper she will stare at you in silence until you go and do it yourself
• She sort of knows what to do, she just doesn't do it

• She is the total opposite of Wednesday
• She adores kids so much
• When a kid cries, Enid fixes it, when a kid is hungry, Enid fixes it, diaper change, Enid, won't go to sleep, Enid
• She does not care what she has to do, she will do it
• Of course you help her but she always offers to feed them or change their diaper so you don't have to

• He doesn't really know what to do
• He will give the kid crayons and paper to draw if they are old enough and he will sit there and draw with them for hours
• The first time you and Xavier babysit a kid that wears diapers, you have to show him how to change them
• After, he will do it whenever, you two will switch off who does it, you then him, then you then him, and so on
• You two will sit on the couch with the kid and watch tv when it starts to get late, then you will put them to bed and go and cuddle on the couch until the parents come home

• It's pretty normal for you two to babysit since he needs more money sometimes, even though he works at the cafe
• He's pretty good with kids, he's a little awkward when they cry but he's good with feeding them and putting them to bed
• Usually you have to change diapers, if that's a necessity, but he will do it sometimes, he's just not super good at it
• You've shown him how to change a diaper many times before but he is not a fast learner and it takes a while for him to get it

• He plays with the kid and will make them laugh when they are crying
• If the kid is old enough, he will make them Mac and cheese, that is all he will feed them
• If they still eat baby food or drink milk/formula he will make it after you show him how and he will feed them if you don't want to
• Kids love him

• She is not a fan of kids but she does kind of soften after a while
• She doesn't really know what to do because she didn't really have a mom that did much with her but she knows what not to do
• She's good with calming the kid and putting them to sleep, she will even sing them to sleep, not like siren singing, just singing
• You have to change diapers though, and feed them for the most part, she'll hold them and feed them with a bottle but if you are feeding them in like a high chair or something then you have to do it
• She prefers babies but doesn't mind older kids, just no toddlers, like she does not like kids from like 3-4 it's just a weird thing, she doesn't like them

• He's the type to read like parenting books and then use that as his knowledge of taking care of kids and that is the only way to do it
• If you do or tell him otherwise he will argue with you and tell you he's right because he read it in a book
• He is the weirdest one to babysit a kid
• He's like a robot, very scheduled and straight faced, he doesn't really try and make a kid stop crying, he will just pick them up and talk to it
• He's kind of like Baymax, he'll just hold them and pay their head and say "There, there"
• It's a bit weird but also funny, it's not like it's a bad thing

• Whenever she babysits, Kent is always with her, they babysit every kid together
• The three of you are the most chaotic ones to try and take care of anything, especially a child
• It's not like they're bad at it, they just argue over who's turn it is to feed them, hold them, change them, etc.
• They will just be sitting there arguing about it and the kid will start crying because they are kinda loud and you will go over and calm them down
• They both just look at you and apologize in unison
• Then they take care of the kid and stop arguing

• Exactly what his sister's is
• He does let the kid braid his hair or do his makeup though, no matter what, we will let them dress him up and stuff too
• He's like a massive teddy bear that can have his makeup done

• When the kid cries for the first time, she will hold them away from herself and stare at it, "How do I make it stop"
• You take them from her and calm them down as she watches so she knows what to do next time
• She does the same when you have to change a diaper for the first time
• Once you show her how to do things she will do them without argument, she just doesn't know how at first

• He is the sweetest to the kids
• He will make them laugh and he is really good at making them stop crying
• He will put on the Bee movie and make the kid watch it, not like forcefully but he will persuade them to watch it
• He would also probably bring honey and let the kid have some if they are old enough and can, and then just let the parents have the jar of it
• He's not great with diaper changing but it's not because he doesn't want to do it, it's just a thing that the kid will wiggle around and laugh and stuff, like he's tickling them, so it's difficult for him to change them
• He's good at it though

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