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After Mrs. Sander offered me this great job offer, she let me leave work and pack for Australia. I will be staying their for a month, giving me time to get to know the Janoskians for information for the story. The sun is just now peering throw my room's window, and is no longer letting me sleep. I am so excited to meet these kids and fly out of America. I let my hair down out of the braid i had set it in last night. My brown to blond ombré hair is now flowing down in beautiful waves. I put on a light layer of ivory foundation to cover my freckles that spread out over my nose and cheeks. I then make a cat's eye with my liquid black eyeliner, and put on some mascara to show off my green eyes. I add a nude color lip stick, and I am satisfied with my make-up skills. I head over to my wardrobe and pull out a short-sleeve lacy-maroon shirt from Urban Outfitters. Then i grab a par of ripped-up high-wasted jean shorts. To complete the I but on some light brown knee-high boots covered in fringe. I will look silly running around this in New York due to it is winter here, but summer there. I check myself out in the mirror, and zip-up and grab my suitcase off my bed. 

After parking my car in the Airport parking garage, I head into the main building to go through baggage check and security.


Ugh, every time. The airport scanner is always so sensitive. When ever the alarm is going off from me walking threw, it always ends up being something stupid; like my necklace or hairpins. This time, the sensor thought my high-school graduation ring was a bomb... please. Once they checked me out, i headed towards my gate. I still had an hour to kill, so i decided to go get a drink. I settled on a Caramel Frap from Starbucks. I walked about the terminal, until I heard the lady over the intercom call my flight number, and stated that we would be boarding in 5 minutes. I walked back to my gate and got in line. I had a great first-class seat in the front of the plane, courtesy of the CEO of Cosmopolitan. I soon put my ear buds in and fell asleep will listening to relaxing music. 

*Ping Ping Ping* 

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are now flying over the Indian ocean, and will be arriving in Melbourne in about 7 hours." The pilot explains over the plane's intercom. Great, what am i supposed to do for seven hours? I then realized the plane did have TV service. I settled on Duck Dynasty. 

Before I new it, we were landing in Melbourne. I unbuckled myself, and walked down the stairs of the plane to find a driver with my name written in black sharpie: "TERRA GARLAND". 

My driver drops me at this beautiful mansion the company lent me to stay in. Is was literally a mansion! It was modern and was all glass, and wood paneling on the outside. I leave the house with my driver and I give him their address. Percy states, "These boys live on the other side of town, are you sure you don't want any breakfast?" 

"No thank you, Percy, I had a yogurt from the fridge."Oh yea! O forgot to tell you that the fridge was fully stocked.

We finally arrived. We pulled up to a cute two-story colonel styled home with beautiful landscaping. I hopped out the car and went up their side-walk. I rang the doorbell and waited for an answer....

Cover Story (A Beau Brooks Fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now