Chapter 20: Never Going Away

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15 Years Later

Nina yawned and looked outside of Priderock. She had fixed up the Pridelands and has been Queen for 10 years. Her mate is Syon, the cub she had met 10 years ago. He was King of the Pridelands now, and he did a fine job at it.

She and Syon had finally had a cub, a male who they named Kion. After the original Kion who took care of her when her mother died.

Nina looked up at the sky and smiled, "Uncle Kion, are you there?"

Kion appeared in the clouds and smiled back, "Hello, Nina. I've missed you. How are things?"

"Everything is great. Syon and I had a cub. I named him after you," Nina said.

Kion purred, "I'm glad everything is good. I'll talk to you later, okay?" Nina nodded and Kion disappeared back into the clouds.

Nina sighed and walked back inside Priderock. Kion was playing with a butterfly while Syon watched his son play.

Nina sat next to her mate, "He's going to be King eventually."

"And he'll make a great one," Syon nuzzled her.

Nina purred. Her life was perfect.

17 Years Later

Kion was now 17 years old and is training to be King. He was quite mature for his age and was growing faster than Nina and Syon could keep up with.

"Mom, dad, can I go hunt?" Kion asked.

Nina yawned and nodded, "Go ahead."

Kion smiled and ran out of Priderock.

"Why can't cubs ever stay small?" Syon asked with a little smile.

Nina purred, "I miss when Kion was so tiny. And I miss it when he called me momma."

"We can always have another one?" Syon looked at Nina, hopefully.

Nina thought about it for a few minutes, then spoke, "Nah, I'll just teach a rock to call me momma."

Syon chuckled and nuzzled her.


Kion got into a hunting stance and stalked a gazelle. He licked his muzzle, ready to eat, when suddenly, he had no control over his body. He tried to move, but his body wouldn't allow it.

"What's happening!" He roared.

"Hello there."

Kion was shocked, "Who said that?"

"Name's Rani. And I need you to do something for me...Kion." She said his name with such ice cold hatred.

"And what would that be?"

"I need you to make your mind go blank. I'm going to take over your body." Rani said this so calmly it was like it was a normal thing animals did.

"I don't see the point of this, but okay?" Kion took a deep breath and sighed, letting his mind go blank.

Rani smirked and quickly took over his mind. Kion no longer had any control of his body. He was now in Rani's control.

(I'm going to still refer the lion as Kion, but just know that it's really Rani)

Rani smirked evilly as she make Kion's body head toward Priderock.

When Kion arrived, he walked up Priderock and roared, calling all the lions.

Nina and Syon were confused as they walked out, "Kion, what's wrong?"

Kion ignored his parents, "Lions! We must get rid of all male lions in this pride. They can't exist any longer!"

Murmurs of horror spread through the pride. One lion spoke out, "If we have to do this, then why don't you!"

"Oh, I will. I'm going to die. I deserve it. Being a Liar and a cheater is in my blood, just like it's in yours. We don't deserve life. We all must die!" Kion roared.

Nina stared at her son in horror, "H-He's acting like Rani." She whispered to Syon.

"We can't let our son kill himself!" Syon shouted. But he was too late.

"I hope you all follow in my pawsteps and kill yourself, just like I am." Kion stepped off the edge of Priderock and quickly fell to the ground. His head made impact with the ground, making a loud SNAP! as blood slowly oozed out of his head.

Rani's spirit floated out of Kion's body and she smirked at Nina, "You may have killed my body, but my soul, you can never kill."

Nina just stared at Rani in shock.

Rani laughed evilly as she started taking over all the lion's minds, and making them commit suicide.

Rani's legacy will always exist, until all lions are no more.

The End!

I don't know about you guys, but happy ending are fucking stupid. My original books and their happy endings were so cringe. I hated them. So I hope you all enjoyed this book. I know I did. I took all my anger, rage, and depression out into this book. It was kinda like therapy for me. I hope you all liked it.

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