"Some good fun," Draco jests, a touch of reluctance in his tone, "a bit childish-,"

"Shut your gob, Malfoy," Onyx retorts, unfazed by his comment, as she places a bottle in the center and takes a seat.

"Shouldn't we finish the bottle first?" Theodore points out, gesturing to the unopened bottle.

"I mean, if you insist," Onyx responds, grabbing the bottle and popping it open before taking a substantial swig.

We all watch in anticipation as she drains the bottle, its contents depleting rapidly. As she finishes swallowing, she hands me the bottle, and I take a small sip before it's abruptly snatched from my grasp.

"Oi!" I protest as Lorenzo takes a swig, nearly emptying the bottle.

"Just doing you a favor, Cleodora," Berkshire smirks as he lowers the bottle , his intention clear.

"Fucking hell, might as well finish the whole bottle. There's barely any left now," Blaise mutters, his sarcasm evident.

"Calm yourself, there's another 2 bottles under my bed," Theodore reassures.

"Yeah, Onyx didn't really leave much for us-," Blaise starts.

"Shut the fuck up." Onyx says, cutting him off.

Draco, taking the bottle from Lorenzo, lifts it to his lips and empties the remaining contents in a single gulp, a determined look on his face. With the empty bottle in hand, he places it in the center of our haphazard circle.

"I guess it's my turn to spin, then?" Draco inquires, looking around the circle for confirmation, and we all nod in agreement.

Reluctantly, he gives the bottle a firm spin, and we watch with bated breath, eager to see who will be the chosen recipient.

To our collective surprise, the bottle comes to a stop, pointing directly at Blaise. Draco is quick to react, voicing his protest, "You're taking the piss, I'm not..."

"Come on, Dracy! Give me a kiss," Blaise taunts, patting his own lap invitingly.

"Nah, I'm good," Draco replies, attempting to distance himself from the impending display.

"Rules are rules, Malfoy," I interject, unable to contain my laughter, while Lorenzo raises an eyebrow, seemingly bemused by the situation.

I nod in confirmation to Lorenzo, wondering why he found my response peculiar.

Amidst our laughter, Draco obediently crawls over to Blaise, their antics causing the rest of us to erupt in uncontrollable laughter. Draco quickly plants a kiss on Blaise's cheek before resuming his seat.

"On the lips, Draco!" Onyx adds.

Draco sighs in exasperation but complies, pecking Blaise on the lips, drawing even more laughter.

"Enzo, it's your turn to spin, good luck," Blaise quips with a wink, setting the stage for Lorenzo's spin.

Lorenzo takes hold of the bottle, and the room falls into a hushed anticipation, save for Draco, who discreetly wipes his lips with his sleeve.

My thoughts race as the bottle rotates. A sudden sense of disbelief washes over me, and I can't help but voice my frustration internally: Are you  fucking kidding me?

All eyes fixate on me, following the bottle's decision. I turn my gaze to Lorenzo, who's sporting a devilish smirk, almost as if he knew all along.

He lifts my chin, and our eyes lock, a tension building between us. A sensation of electricity crackles in the air as his attention shifts downward, landing on my lips.

Without warning, Lorenzo pulls me in, capturing my lips with his. It's a kiss filled with the lingering taste of firewhiskey, and every touch sends shivers down my spine. In that moment, it feels like the entire world fades away, and it's just him and me, lost in the room's intimate bubble.

As the kiss deepens, Lorenzo's tongue slips into my mouth, igniting a passionate and electrifying connection that leaves me breathless, my heart racing, and a sense of heaven washing over me.

We both pull away.

"Gosh," a voice exclaims, and I turn to identify the speaker – it's Mattheo.

I rise from my seat and approach Riddle, who gazes at me briefly before leading me out of the room, firmly closing the door behind us. He keeps it shut as if to shield our conversation from curious ears.

His once-angry expression softens into a happier one, and I can't help but smile in return. "It was just a game," I explain, making sure my voice carries enough for those inside to hear.

Mattheo conceals the hint of joy in his voice as he retorts loudly, "I never want to see you again."

"Please, Mattheo," I respond, biting my lip to hide my amusement.

"You and Lorenzo are perfect for each other,"

I stifle a laugh and quickly feign a cry, using my hand to cover my mouth.

With an air of indifference, Mattheo continues, "You know, I'm staying for the weed, right?"

I nod in acknowledgment as he lets me return to the dorm, following closely behind me. I take my seat next to Lorenzo, and he takes his place beside Draco.

Onyx breaks the ice, inquiring, "So, are you two...?" She gestures between Riddle and me, and I nod affirmatively.

"Thank Merlin," Lorenzo exclaims, unable to hide his happiness. "I've been hoping for this day to come." His joy is palpable as the tension from earlier dissipates, leaving room for laughter and a sense of relief.

"Why aren't either of you sad?" Lucille asks.

"Nothing to cry over, I guess it wasn't there," I shrug, hiding a smirk.


Such a cliche, I know. I know.

𝘚𝘛𝘈𝘙𝘎𝘐𝘙𝘓, 𝙇𝙊𝙍𝙀𝙉𝙕𝙊 𝘽𝙀𝙍𝙆𝙎𝙃𝙄𝙍𝙀Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon