Chapter 10. The ultimate sacrifice

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"No Dream. Please." She pleads as I kneel down beside her.
"Please don't do this. My life will end eventually, let me die for you at least." She tries to argue but I just smile.
"My darling. I will be reborn and I will find you in your dreams." I say truthfully.
"How can you promise me that? How will you find me? You won't even remember me." She says through her sobs.
I can feel tears building up in the corners of my eyes. Only she has ever been able to awaken these emotions in me.
"I would recognise you in total darkness, were you mute and I deaf. I would recognise you in another lifetime entirely, in different bodies, different times. And I would love you in all of this, until the very last star in the sky burnt out into oblivion"
I caress her cheek and bend down to connect my lips to hers once more.
"No." She sobs as I rise and turn to face my siblings.
"She cannot witness this. Let her go back to the waking world." I demand.
Destiny waves his hand and I see her fade away as she desperately calls out to me.
Once she is gone I close my eyes and let a single tear drop down.
"I'm sorry it has to be this way brother. I wish there was another way." Destiny says as he raises his hands in the air.
All of the Endless form a circle around me and copy Destiny's movements.
I can feel them starting to absorb my entity and for the first time in my life I feel true pain.
It feels like my entire being is being torn apart, ripped to shreds.
I let out a growl, yelling out in pain with the only thing going through my mind being her.
Suddenly the agony stops and I open my eyes in confusion.
"Why did you stop?" I ask as I look around at my siblings who all look down at the ground.
I try to look for Death but can't find her.
My eyes grow wide and my heart collapses.
"She has made the ultimate sacrifice. She ended her life for you Dream." Destiny says and I fall to my knees.
"No." I breathe out as tears start pouring down my face.

~Y/n's pov~

"No!" I scream in a futile attempt to change the trajectory of destiny.
I'm back in my apartment and I immediately drop to the floor, unable to stay upright.
"Dream." I sob uncontrollably.
I can't lose him, I can't lose the only person that has ever made me truly happy.
What do I have left in this life if it isn't for him?
I run to my closet and pull out the same white dress with yellow daisies that I wore to the Dreaming that one night.
I try to calm my tears as I hastily pull the fabric over my head.
I run up the dozen flights of stairs leading up to the roof of the building and it feels like it takes an eternity to reach the top.
I burst through the metal door before making my way over to the edge.
I swing my legs over the side and sit on the edge of the roof, looking down at the world below me once again.
I grip my phone tightly in my hand.
I bring it up and look at the black screen before clicking the button, turning it on.
I hurriedly start typing.
'Mom, dad, everyone who has ever loved me. I'm sorry to have to do this to you.
I was never happy in this world but I need you to know that I will be now.
I will dream forever and be with the one person I truly love. Don't blame yourself for what happened and be happy without me.
I will always watch over you.
I love you.'
I type with shaky hands before sending it to two contacts in my phone.
'Mom' and 'Dad'.
I drop my phone to my side, and take a deep breath.
"I love you Dream." I whisper with closed eyes as I feel myself slip off the edge.
For a second I feel the wind blowing through my hair and all I hear is my thumping heartbeat and my blood rushing in my ears.
Suddenly the wind stops and everything falls quiet.

I open my eyes and find myself standing on the street below my building.
When I want to turn around to look for my body a friendly voice stops me.
"Don't turn around honey, you don't need to see that. A fall from that high isn't pretty."
I see Death standing in front of me, smiling at me with a hint of sadness shining through.
"Death... Is he..." I stammer.
"It is very brave what you did. My brother should praise himself very lucky to have found someone that loves him so dearly that she would trade her life for him." She says calmly.
"Please tell me I wasn't too late." I plead as tears build in my eyes again.
"Dream is okay." She smiles and I feel a weight lift off my shoulders.
"Can I see him one more time?" I ask sheepishly.
Death frowns sadly.
"I'm afraid I can't do that Y/n. I have to take you to the afterlife now."
I bow down my head in defeat and nod.
A/N:  I was debating making this the ending of this story, cue evil laugh, but I decided against it.
You could stop reading here but if you want a happy ending then by all means, finish this chapter :)

I take Death's hand and follow her through a tunnel made of light until we enter a dark room.
When I look around I see that it almost looks like a cave.
"This is where I leave you. I wish you good luck on your journey." Death says before she disappears again.
"Y/n. Welcome." I hear a woman's voice.
I look up to find a tall woman with short, platinum blonde hair, a wine-red robe and black wings.
"I am Lucifer. Welcome to Hell little one." She greets me and I feel fear creep up on me.

~Dream's pov~

"Death?" I call to her when I see her reappear.
She doesn't reply, she only looks down at the ground with pity.
"Where is she?" I ask desperately.
"She is with Lucifer." She says in a small voice.
"What? That cannot be right! She can't be in Hell!" I scream as I look around at my siblings.
"She is the most kind-hearted human I have ever met. She is selfless, warm and her soul is so pure. How can she possibly be in Hell?" I demand answers.
"She did not deem herself worthy of Heaven. She did not believe in herself, and therefore will not be allowed into Heaven." Destiny explains.
I slump my shoulders as I feel my heart shatter for her.
She will suffer for all eternity to save me.
"No. I will not let this happen." I say sternly as my eyes fade to black.
I clench my jaw and raise my arms to retrieve my sigils.
My Helmet of dreams appears in one hand, my pouch of sand in the other and my Dreamstone appears around my neck.
I put the sand in the pocket of my cloak and put on my helmet before traveling to Hell.
"Lucifer?" I call out.
"Reveal yourself!" I yell.
Lucifer Morningstar appears in front of me with a grin on her face.
"Dream! How lovely to see you." She smirks.
"To what do I owe the pleasure?"
I'm always very wary around the Devil herself. She doesn't care about anyone but herself. I try to keep a stern posture to not let her know how I feel inside.
If she smells fear she will destroy me.
"You have someone that belongs to me." I say in a low tone.
"Is that so?" She asks devilishly.
She snaps her fingers and I see Y/n appear behind her.
She is covered in cuts, pale as a ghost.
She falls to the floor immediately, unable to stay conscious.
"Y/n." I breathe out as I step closer to her, wanting to take her into my arms.
Lucifer stops me.
She clicks her tongue as she shakes her head.
"Tsk tsk tsk, Dream. She belongs in hell now."
"I am taking her with me to the Dreaming.
You can't stop me Lucifer." I say determined, my words laced with venom.
"Do you really believe that to be true Morpheus? Do you think you can challenge me and win? Tell me, what power have dreams in Hell?" She asks with a smirk.
I look straight into her eyes and I radiate confidence.
"You say I have no power here? Perhaps you speak truly."
She looks at me with her eyebrows raised.
"But to say dreams have no power in hell?
Tell me Lucifer Morningstar, what power would Hell have if those imprisoned here would not be able to dream of Heaven?"
Her face goes cold.
"Take the girl with you." She says quietly.
"Never return here." She says with anger.
I do not react to her words, instead rushing to my love's side.
I pick up her head and rest it on my lap.
I wave my hand over her body, making all the cuts and lacerations disappear.
I snake my arms around her limp body and pick her up, taking her with me to the Dreaming.
"I'm taking you home darling." I say in a hushed tone.

Once we arrive in the realm of dreams she opens her eyes.
I put her down and her feet softly touch the floor.
She is wearing white shorts and a white tank top which is the outfit she got assigned in Hell.
I watch her take a deep breath before I wave my hand and her outfit changes into black trousers, a black top and a cloak similar to mine although smaller.
"Welcome home darling." I whisper close to her ear.
She turns around and flings her arms around my neck, burying her face in my chest.
"I'm so glad you're okay." He breathes out.
When she pulls back I lower my head to place a soft kiss on her lips.
She smiles at me and my soul feels complete.
"You will rule the realm of dreams alongside me. You will be my queen. I will foresee that nothing bad ever happens to you again.
Everything you want will be yours." I tell her.
"All I want is you Dream."

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