Chapter 7. Dream in shining armour

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~Dream's pov~

"Dream? I was expecting you." Destiny's voice speaks out.
He stands in the middle of a maze in his garden with the book of souls on the pedestal in front of him.
"Hello brother." I greet him.
"What brought you here Morpheus?"
"I need you to show me the fate of a girl." I ask.
"Morpheus... You know I cannot do that. The book of souls is for my eyes only."
I sigh, having expected this answer.
"I only need to know what will become of her." I ask desperately.
"What will become of her?" He repeats.
"I fear she will die soon Destiny." I say honestly.
"And why does that bother you? She is a simple mortal. She will die eventually." He answers.
"She is special brother, I cannot explain the way she makes me feel." I say desperately.
Destiny shakes his head while a small smile creeps up on his face.
"You have fallen for a mortal Morpheus."
I bow my head down once again and stay silent.
I know I should feel shame but why does it make me feel more powerful?
"Her fate has not been sealed. If she is not dead yet there is always still hope. Destiny is ever changing and every small decision made will have detrimental effects. I cannot help you further brother."
I give him a small nod and with that I leave.

"Despair?" I call out.
My sister sits amidst mirrors that all reflect grey.
A rat runs across my foot and I kick it away with disgust.
"Dream? To what do I owe the pleasure?" Despair speaks up in a taunting voice.
"There is this girl, I came to ask you about her." I admit hesitantly.
"A... mortal?"
I bow down my head and give her a slight nod.
"And what is her name?"
"Y/n." I reply.
"What is it that you want from me?" My sister asks.
"She is a troubled soul Despair. She has given up on life."
Despair takes in a deep breath and lets out a loud, satisfied grunt as she closes her eyes.
"Ahhhh, yess. Troubled she is. She hasn't been dealt the best cards. I never expected her to last this long." She giggles evilly.
"She tried to take her own life when she was sixteen, barely six years ago. Yes, I remember. Death stood at her bed, waiting for her to take her final breath but somehow she survived. Maybe she wanted to live after all."
I clench my jaw at the way Despair is speaking about her.
"She was always weak. I have been whispering in her ear and she listens. She tortures herself by thinking too much."
"She isn't weak. She must be strong to be able to live with your weight holding her down. I saw her mind, it is gorgeous. Her imagination is more pure than anything I have ever witnessed." I defend the girl.
"Her imagination is her greatest asset but it will also be her downfall Dream. Her imagination makes her able to escape inside her head and dream of a reality that will never exist for her.
But it also makes all the doubts and fears I plant inside her head so much more real.
When I whisper to her about what her father did to her she imagines it as if she is back there again. She lives it all over again, she makes it so easy for me."
Despair chuckles again and it makes my blood boil.
"Have you not done enough? You are supposed to be lord of despair but also hope." I snarl back at her.
"I give hope to the hopeful Dream. She is too far gone, maybe she always has been."
I shake my head.
"I will prove you wrong sister. She is a beautiful soul. She doesn't deserve your torment." I say determined.
"Or mine for that matter." I say in a hushed tone as I feel guilt wash over me again.
"Ohhh. Does someone have feelings for a certain mortal?" She cackles.
"Dream! Out of all us siblings I would have never pegged you to be the hopeless romantic. She will be welcomed into the afterlife soon, don't get your hopes up." She laughs maniacally.
I dramatically swing my cloak as I turn on my heel and make my way out of this depressing realm, knowing there is no reasoning with Despair.
She is exactly like her twin in that way.

"Dream?" I hear a voice calling to me just as I enter the palace of dreams.
"Death? What brings you here sister?" I ask confused.
"Morpheus. You asked me to let you know when her time was near." She starts.
I feel my heart drop and suddenly all the air is sucked out of my lungs.
I take a step closer to my throne and put my hand on the armrest in a futile attempt to keep myself upright.
"What happened?" I ask, unable to meet Death's gaze.
"I will show you Dream. She needs you." Death says worriedly before she snaps her fingers and we appear in the waking world side by side.
I see an alley, dark and gloomy.
Just when I'm about to ask Death if this is a sick joke I hear it. Her voice.
"Dream!" She calls for me, her scream soul shattering.
Suddenly I see her. She is right there, cornered by two men.
Her face is bleeding and she is desperately clutching onto her stomach in pain.
My heart breaks at the sight of her, my beautiful Y/n.
But then the feeling gets replaced by anger.
I feel pure rage coursing through my veins and I ball my fists, keeping my arms stiff to my side, ready to fight for her.
Before I can move I feel Death's hand on my arm, holding me back.
"Dream... we cannot meddle in human affairs." She says with pain in her voice.
"Death, I will face our siblings and I will face my fate but you cannot ask me to let her suffer. I will not allow them to harm her!" I yell at her.
"You asked me if there was anything I wouldn't do for her, I gave you my answer. I will give my life for hers if that is what it takes." I say in a low tone before I pull my arm out of her grasp.

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