Chapter 2. The Dreaming

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When I walk back into the great hall I see Y/n looking around in awe.
I try to suppress my smile as I near her.
My steps gain her attention and she looks at me with a bright expression.
"Dream. This palace is gorgeous." She says excitedly and it warms my heart.
I cross my arms behind my back and straighten myself, trying to look more intimidating perhaps.
"Thank you." I say coldly but she doesn't seem to mind my tone.
She keeps twirling around with a smile on her face.
"Would you like me to show you the rest of it?" I ask.
She looks up at me for a moment and I can tell she is considering it.
"I'd love that." She says sheepishly.
I turn around but keep looking at her from the corner of my eye to see her trailing behind me as I start walking through the palace of dreams.
She follows me up the wide, open stairs that lead up to the main level.
"This here is the library. Every book contains all the dreams of every person who does or has ever existed." I tell her.
She hops up and sits on top of one of the tables in the library.
"How is all of this possible? I know it has been a while since I last dreamt but how can I dream so vividly?" She smiles.
"How can I imagine this library and this palace and you if I have never seen anything like this before."
"Because this isn't a dream." I tell her.
She turns her head to me and looks at me with a puzzled expression.
"But I am asleep. Your name is Dream. How can this be anything but a dream? I'm not awake and even if I was this definitely can't be real."
I can see her starting to panic as she looks around at everything she thought to be a dream moments ago.
I can sense her thoughts, they're spiralling.
"Y/n." I say her name.
As if saying her name put her in a trance she looks straight into my eyes and her breathing slows down.
"I have told you, this is the Dreaming, realm of all dreams. And I am the Lord of Dreams. This isn't your dream but this also isn't the waking world. It is a realm in between." I try to explain but I can see in her eyes she finds it difficult to understand.
"So this isn't my dream? None of this is my imagination?" She asks carefully.
I shake my head.
She averts her gaze, looking at nothing in specific. She stares into the distance with a distraught look on her face.
I have never cared much for others but for a reason that I am unsure of my heart feels heavy seeing her like this.
"Why does that scare you darling?" I ask calmly.
She stays deep in thought for a while before speaking up.
"If this was my dream I would have control."
She sighs.
I think about why she would prefer sleep over the waking world and I realise that she craves control in her dreams so she can make sure nothing bad happens.
"I will not harm you. No one here will harm you." I say in a desperate attempt to make her feel safe.
I realise my body has relaxed and I look much less intimidating than I had intended to at the start.
She looks up at me again and I feel as if I will get lost in her eyes.
She nods without saying anything before looking around at the books again.

"Is there a book about me?" She asks.
I nod to answer her question.
"Have you ever read it?" She asks with so much emotion in her eyes.
"I don't normally read the dreaming books, I have never felt the need or want to." I reply honestly.
She pauses for a moment as to think of what to say next.
"Will you?" She asks without making eye contact.
"Do you want me to?"
She shakes her head with some hesitation.
"Do you want me to show you your book?" I ask.
She looks down as hurt dances in her eyes and I immediately regret my question.
"No." She breathes out.
"I'm sorry darling. I never meant to upset you." I say, feeling a gnawing feeling in my stomach at the sight of her sadness.
"I don't want to think about my dreams or my life. I wanted to sleep to forget about everything." She says in a lighter tone.
"I can help with that." I say softly.
I stretch out my hand towards her for her to take.
"I will show you the Dreaming."
Her eyes light up with what I hope is joy as she reaches to put her hand in mine.
When her skin makes contact with mine it sets my skin on fire, a sensation that feels so unexplainably good.
I close my fingers around her hand and feel the softness and warmth of her skin.
When I shift my gaze from our hands to her eyes I find her already looking at me with her gorgeous blue eyes.

Dream's dream (Morpheus fanfic) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora