Chapter 1. Falling asleep

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~Y/n's pov~

I fumble with my key, trying to get it at the right angle for it to slip into the lock of my front door.
It takes me a bit longer than I would've appreciated but eventually I twist the key and the door to my small apartment clicks open.
I drag myself inside, slouching my shoulders feeling the events of today weigh me down.
I drop my keys in the ceramic bowl next to the front door and cringe at the obnoxious sound it makes.
I make sure to lock the door behind me before making my way into the kitchen.
I throw some leftovers in the microwave and impatiently wait for it to beep, telling me my stale, dry chicken is ready to eat.
I plop down onto my couch and finish my chicken quickly, just wanting to go to sleep already.
I know I need a shower but all I want is to hide away in my sheets and hope my dreams treat me with more kindness than this world ever will.

I fish my phone out of my pocket so I can check my work schedule for tomorrow.
With dread I scroll down to tomorrow's date to find that my shift only starts at lunch.
I let out a relieved breath, that means I can sleep longer.
Sleep has been my only companion, the only thing I look forward to anymore in life.
I start heading towards my bedroom but before I surrender to my warm bed I rummage through the drawer of my nightstand, looking for my medication.
My parents put me on sleeping and anti-anxiety meds ever since I was a teenager.
I always question why I still take them since they clearly don't help, but only I know that.
No one else seems to notice how bad it has gotten again, but then again, who would notice if there is no one close enough to me.
I never really had any friends, I was always an outsider at school and when I graduated I never bothered looking for new friends out of fear that they wouldn't accept me similarly to how everyone else hadn't before.
I used to have a good relationship with my mom but ever since I moved out to be closer to my job I haven't seen or spoken to her much.
I can imagine how relieved my parents are to not have to take care of my mental health anymore.
My dad is a whole other story, me and him have always had a very rough relationship.
I think about him often, about everything he did to me.
I haven't seen him in a couple of years now but I heard he recently got engaged to another woman.
I stopped talking to him when my mom and him got divorced and he moved away.
If he didn't bother checking up on his only daughter then why should I?

I keep digging through the drawer only to find an empty box where my pills should be.
"Shit." I mumble.
I have been blissfully ignorant to the fact that I was running out of them until now, the moment where I am left with none.
I mean, I have been meaning to quit taking them.
These things cost an arm and a leg and quite frankly they haven't done anything to help me.
I still feel miserable and tired all the time.
How hard can it be to just fall asleep?
I lay down in bed and pull the sheets on top of me, nestling in the familiar warmth they provide.
I close my eyes and lay there, waiting for sleep to take over me.
I wait, and I wait.
I let out a groan, I don't remember it being this hard to just fall asleep.
It must have been more than ten years ago that I last went to sleep without sleeping pills and now I know why.
I squeeze my eyes shut as if that would be a clear sign to my brain what my plan was, but to no avail.
It feels as if the land of dreams is rejecting me as if I'm a foreign object they don't recognise.
I haven't dreamt since I started taking the medication, it never allowed me to.
It made me fall asleep and wake up again at the sound of my alarm, the time that had passed being the only proof that I hadn't just simply blinked.
As my thoughts keep my occupied I don't realise that sleep finally falls over me.

My eyes flutter open and I suck in a breath through my nose.
When I look around I'm greeted by a field with grass tickling my ankles and pretty flowers sprinkled in between the vibrant green.
I take another deep breath and I focus on the air that fills my lungs.
Have I ever breathed air this fresh before?
I look down at my body and find myself wearing an airy, slightly off-white dress.
The fabric stops just above my knees and is cut out in a modest, straight line right under my collarbones.
The sleeves are mid-length and are all puffed up.
I stroke the fabric with my hand, not recognising the dress clinging to my body at all.
I would know if I owned something this beautiful.
Even though I don't recognise the piece of clothing as my own it does fit me perfectly.
I look up and draw in a rather sharp breath while dropping my jaw slightly.
In the distance stands a gorgeous castle with multiple towers and various statues decorating it. I let my eyes scan across the structure, admiring from afar the plenty breathtaking details etched into it.
Leading up to it is a long bridge that looks like it is being held up by enormous, stone hands reaching out of the water that surrounds it.
As I stand and watch I wonder what the inside would look like.
I tilt my head to the side while letting my curiosity get the best of me.
I take another look around me, no one else to be seen.
If this is a dream, I can frankly do whatever I wish, and I wish to see the castle.
I nod contently before my legs take me through the soft grass.
I make my way down the bridge, making sure to glance over the edge to look at the mesmerising ripples in the blue water before I arrive at a large gate, it's doors wide open as if it was expecting me.
The big, open room with coloured windows that turns the sunlight shining through them into rainbows invites me in, and I of course comply.

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