Answers + Gods Vs Makind (Remake)

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RWBY does not belong to me, all rights belong to it's creator Monty Oum and is distributed by Rooster Teeth. Record of Ragnarok does not belong to me, all rights belong to it's creators Umemura Shinya, Fukui Takumi and Azychika and is distributed by Comic Zenon and Netflix.


After the frog had revealed itself just to talk, the eyes of everyone in the room had focused in it none of them able to look away from it, make comments about it or even try and look at someone else in a threatening way that would end up not paying out at.

Everyone simply tried to process the fact that the animal in front of them had appeared an animal with the inheret ability to speak perfect english as if it were a human or a faunus.

"Okay, just to make sure that I'm not going insane." Mercury said before pointing at the frog and looking at everyone in the room. "Standing right there, right there! There is a talking frog."

"One with a sack of something besides it!" Nora contributed not looking disturbed (or at least not as much) as everyone in the room.

"Coming from you that confirmation means nothing." Mercury said causing Jaune, Ren and Pyrrha to glare at him for talking in such a way to their teammate.

Another one that had come out of the shock had been Adam, who quickly used to the distractions the frog provided to rush towards Jaques with his katana unsheathed, uncaring about the fact that he was using his son and wife as human shields.

Right before anyone could move a single muscle to stop him, he was hit on the head with the same sack the frog had sending him flying and also making him do flips all the way to the wall.

Irritated Adam tried to get up but the moment he lifted his gaze he was met with the barrel of a gun pointing right at him.

"End of the line Taurus" Ironwood said and while in any other situation he would have thought twice before pulling the trigger, right now he looked more than ready to blow Adam's head off.

A snap of fingers was heard and in that same instant both the gun and the katana the men were holding vanished in thin air. The two first looked at their hands in surprise before turning to look at Salt Frog who was currently keeping one of its hands up into the air.

After that he opened his hand wide open and the sack that had just hit Adam in the head was sent flying right towards his open hand all while thunderous sound could be heard.

"I should be angry at the two of you for being so reckless but I will forget it since the two of you gave me the perfect example." The frog said while looking at everyone with a frown and pointing at them with a serious finger. "If any of you do a sudden movement, this will happen."

"Mom!"  Ruby exclaimed while using her Semblance to basically tackle Summer Rose into the ground. Ruby was quickly followed by Yang, Qrow and Tai all of which

Adam looked at Salt Frog with a look that was the vivid incarnation of the sentence. 'WHAT THE FUCK!?' Exactly like it is written here, in all caps and with an exclamation mark.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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