Chapter Thirty-Eight

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"SOMETHING SMELLS GOOD," MUMBLED Avery, as she walked down the stairs, inhaling deeply

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"SOMETHING SMELLS GOOD," MUMBLED Avery, as she walked down the stairs, inhaling deeply. She watched as Ginny chased Austin with a crepe on her face. "Careful, Austin. Or the crepe monster is gonna eat you," she hollered.

Georgia entered the room in a velvet dress, with gloves. "Ta-Da!"

"Wow, Mom, you look pretty," said Austin. "I believe you'd lure men to their deaths," remarked Paul. Avery snorted. "Oh, definitely." Georgia chuckled. "Me too," agreed Ginny, still holding the crepe. Avery pinched one of her own and folded it into a neat triangle, before taking a bite. "Mom, you can't wear that." Ginny's words made Georgia frown. "What about Voldemort?"

"Don't say his name," chorused Avery and Austin, though the older of the two sounded garbled because of the crepe. "Exactly," uttered Georgia. Ginny pinched another bite of the crepe. "Peach, it's a party, relax."

A knock came on the door and Georgia opened. "Marcus."

"Can I come in?"

"Now, I don't want you to panic, but this big frame right here is a door. You walk through it. I know you're not used to that. You usually just shimmy right on up the drainpipe. It's not a secret portal." Avery snorted as she sat on her stool. "It won't teleport you to yesterday, on loop, on repeat, until you break the cycle."

Ginny sent Avery a look as she clamped a hand over her mouth, trying not to laugh. "It's not magic. It's not a trap, not a trick." Georgia knocked on the wood. "Just a door."

"You think you're really funny," stated Ginny, smiling tersely. "I am quite enjoying this," Paul let her know. "So's Avery." The girl in question squeaked from laughter. Finally, Georgia let Marcus step inside.

Avery got off her stool, stealing another crepe and then walked up to her room, as Marcus made a reference to Georgias' snipe.

AVERY WAS SITTING ON her desk chair, blowing out flavored smoke from her vape, when the doorknob turned. She gained a look of panic, blowing out the rest in a haste, and opening her window to let the smoke out.

Georgia opened one of the doors, her brows pinching as she sniffed the air. "Did you light an aroma candle in here?" Avery nodded. "Yeah, but then it got stuffy, so I blew it out and opened my window."


"Yeah." Avery cleared her throat awkwardly and then crossed her arms over her chest. "You were using your vape, weren't you?" Georgia raised a knowing brow. "How did you-" Avery didn't get to finish. "I saw it at the party. You weren't as discreet as you thought."

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