Chapter Forty-Eight

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"WE HAD SO MUCH fun tonight," said Gil. Avery sat on the staircase, behind Paul, as she looked at Gil and Austin, both of whom had a foam finger. "Oh, and a fight broke out that cleared the benches. And when they finally stopped it, there was blood all over the ice. Real blood."

Avery grimaced. "Ew, that sounds gnarly." But then she smiled at him. "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself."

"Hey, Paul, you grew up here. Um, you ever get out on the ice?"

"Um, no. No, it was mostly soccer and skiing for me, and then eventually just skiing for Avery."

Gil smiled. "Well, not that Austin's a New Englander, maybe we can get him out on the slopes." Paul looked at Austin. "Yeah, that's a good idea, bud. What do you think? That would be fun."

Avery smirked. "First one to drive slide down the slope, has to by hot chocolate." Austin snickered. "Oh, you're on."

"Oh, am I?"

"So on."

Avery reached her hand out so they could high five and Austin drove his palm over hers with a loud smack. "But right now, it's time for bed, so. . ." Austin rolled her eyes. "Come on, Austin. While the adults are being boring, I have a new face mask I want you to try."

The older girl had gotten Austin into skin care, allowing him to try face creams and masks care that she bought, to see if he liked it for himself. Right now, she was obsessed with the 'Wake Up Beautiful' face mask, that did all the work in her sleep and it didn't require her to wash it off.

Their front door opened to a giggling Ginny and Zion. "Zion?" questioned Georgia. Zion looked around and was seemingly perplexed to see Austin's dad. "Gil."

"Zion." Gil's face was tight.

"Hey, Paul."

"Zion," remarked Paul. "Georgia, Avery, Ginny," supplied Ginny. Avery couldn't help her snort. "Austin!" piped said boy up, pointing his foam finger at the ceiling. "This is fun." Georgia looked like she would rather swallow sand. "Gil, I didn't know you were out. Welcome back."

"Thank you."

Please, god, open up the Earth and swallow Avery whole.

"All right, let's leave these three to whatever western they're suddenly starring in," said Georgia, turning back to glance at the two blonde kids, the teen and the fourth grader. "Come on, bedtime."

Avery slowly, gently, turned Austin's head around and planted a hand on his shoulder, to lead him up the stairs. "Wait for me, please," remarked Ginny, following them.

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