Chapter Sixteen

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"SO," SAID AVERY, AS she adjusted her sweater, "I got a call from grams, asking about our Thanksgiving plans."

Paul hummed, sipping his coffee. "Translation to 'we heard you have a girlfriend, let's toast her at dinner.'" He looked to his daughter, who just snorted. "We both know Georgia's gonna smoke them first."

Soon after, Paul left for work and Avery let the smile fall. Today wasn't going to be a good day.

The girl texted Abby.

Staying at home
2day. Feeling like

Want me 2 stop
by? I could get

Nah. I'll get some
Blue Farm later.

Okay. But u better
keep it.

Yup. Later.



Avery chuckled lightly and then got back into her pajamas and then her bed. She crawled underneath her covers and sighed.

It felt like she was drowning. The feeling had been building up for a while, but today was really bad. Avery knew what it was. Abandoning- and mommy issues were a real bitch. So was the anxiety and the feeling of her life spinning out of control and the fact that the world could implode in any second and Avery was just lying there, doing nothing.

It fucking sucked.

The girl put on her 'Sad Bitch Tunes' playlist and let the song 'Stay' from Gracie Abrams fill her room courtesy of her speaker.

The playlist continued and the day went on. Whenever the music stopped, Avery would just replay it, over and over, until it was 3:30 and the girl was rushing to put some actual pants from earlier, mascara and fill in her eyebrows, so it wouldn't look like she had just lied there all day. The girl had gotten a message from Ginny about an essay competition in English, so the blonde rushed downstairs and planted herself on the couch, opening word and staring at the blank page.

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