Part 24: Sudden change

Start from the beginning

"Yes, of course. Anything for my future to be husband." I forced a broad smile towards him.

"Wow! That's great! But, can I ask for a little favour from you, love?"

"Of course."

It is already reach to this point that I need to agree to any conditions that he demanded.

He scooted over to my side and leaned towards me before he whispered into my ears, "It is possible, if Mc Kellen didn't join us for lunch?"

I looked over towards Eli and told him, "Eli, I'm going out for a lunch with Liam. And, there's no need for you to follow us."

I've already said that I would do anything as he demanded as long as he would follow mine, later.

Liam was giggling when he heard I gave out such order towards Eli.

Eli did not try to refuse it, because I know he knows why I gave out such order. "Understood." He said before left the room.

"Oh my god! Today must be a lucky day for me. I didn't know that my fiancé would be this sweet~" Liam said while pinching my cheek softly.

I took it by surprised, but it is too late for me to deviate from his attack.

"So, let's go. Let's go having our lunch date." Liam continued while holding my hand into his and we walked side by side out from the office.

As for the second attack, it managed to startle me too. But, I couldn't say no or get mad at him for it.

Jeez!! This guy is so shameless! How dare he pinch my cheek and hold my hand without my consent!! Just wait when this over, I will get back to you!

All I have to do at this moment is being extra patient!


[Liam POV]

Today is the last day Ayden will be working in the office before he took the long leave for the wedding, the same thing applied to me.

But, my workload wasn't as much as his. I guessed he would be working hard to settle everything before this day ended.

I checked on my watch and it shows 11:50.

"It is almost lunch hour. I must invite him over for a lunch, if not he might skip it, given that he is a workaholic guy. Besides, I could you that excuse to meet him." I mumbled to myself while grinning.

Yeah! Ayden had made me get drunk in love. He almost turns me into a mad guy for always smiling alone, whenever I think of him.

I bet this is what it feels to fell in love with someone.


I gathered all of my things; wallet, car key and phone before I dashed out from my office headed to the upper level where Ayden's office located.

Yes! I'm staying in Lockhart Holdings office for the time being, since Charles wanted me to learn about how to handle the project with Ayden. Thus, he let me stay in this company instead of his.

It took me less than 10 minutes to reach at Ayden's office and just like always, I never bother to knock on the door before I come into his office, because I thought I have a privilege of being his fiancé.

As I get inside, I saw Mc Kellen was there, stood closer next to Ayden.

Somehow, I couldn't help from feeling jealous of him. Jealous seeing how close he is with Ayden, when I could never get that close with him without upsetting him.

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