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Siena woke up to the sound of raindrops hitting the large window hidden behind the dark blue curtain. She climbed up from the bed, trying and failing not to cast a glance towards James' bedroom-- a near perfect darkness just like the one reigning around her spilled from behind his unclosed door into the sitting room which was already flooded with the weak light of the rainy morning.

She drew the curtains apart the moment she reached her window, feeling happy and disappointed at the same time. The rain wasn't surprising, it often rained in London at the end of the summer holidays and Siena loved rain, it never rained enough for her in Florence. But she hadn't met anyone who enjoyed it like she did, and she doubted that James would want to walk to the Society's Headquarters in the rain.

Well, they should decide upon their first quest before they spoke to any of the Bibliophiles anyway, and they should actually choose more than one book in case the one they picked had already been fixed... She wondered how it all worked while she dressed in a clean pair of jeans and a white t-shirt with printed, pastel coloured water lilies on her chest, pulling the necklace from beneath the fabric, and dropping the red jewel among the flowers. They needed to find out more about this, Siena was sure that they were only told the most simple parts yesterday.

There was also the question of time, the time they could spend within the books, the time they would spend away from this world. She didn't have to turn up at work before the fifteenth of September, which gave her a little more than two weeks of freedom. James, being a journalist, could most likely work long-distance, but he was bound to have some deadlines to meet. She didn't suppose that once the school started, she would get another holiday for a new quest before the Christmas break...

Siena laughed at herself, she hasn't even done the first quest, and she was already planning her free time for the second. Would this even work? Would she be capable of walking into a book world and make it a better place for an unfortunate character? She just needed to wait and see, she decided as she tiptoed into the bathroom not wanting to wake up James, ran a comb through her hair and restrained it into a long braid in front of a mirror taller than herself covering the wall opposite the shower and the bath.

It was her turn to cook; she would make James a breakfast, she resolved, exiting the bathroom, making her way into the kitchen.

The scent of fresh pastry, a mixture of butter, vanilla, and chocolate worthy of the breakfast room of the best Italian hotel he had ever stayed in, woke James up half an hour later

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The scent of fresh pastry, a mixture of butter, vanilla, and chocolate worthy of the breakfast room of the best Italian hotel he had ever stayed in, woke James up half an hour later.

Following it towards the source, he found Siena bent over the dining table which was already set for breakfast, filling a tray of still warm croissants with a chocolate spread and a thick, freshly made vanilla custard.

"I didn't make them from scratch," she said humbly, glancing at him briefly as she finished with the last croissant before she sprinkled them all generously with icing sugar. "I found a few packs of these in the freezer. I only made the custard. And the coffee and tea, I wasn't sure which you prefer."

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