Chapter 1: The Chief.

Start from the beginning

The most defining feature of this harsh land, of course is none other than the people whom have managed to tame this unyielding environment, the Gerudo. A mainly reclusive set of people, untrusted by many of the other races and kingdoms within the land of Hyrule for their shady personalities and activities. Regardless they are a proud people, tied to their traditions with a steel knot, one of which consists of the history of one male being born every 100 years. Their newest yet, Ganondorf is the current chief of the people, a strict general who wears the pride of his people on his sleeve, realistic yet also incredibly ambitious, if one were to describe Ganondorf and his personality in one word... it would be Kingly.
"Hey! Namaiya!! Wait up" a young cheerful voice echoed throughout the alleys of the only Gerudo town, her laughter rang past the sandstone buildings as she hurdled through the main plaza. The hot winds that passed through occasionally gently kissing the town and it's subjects. Clothes, tarps, and blankets that were freshly washed and hung to dry were swaying softly in the winds like blades of grass in the lush Hyrule fields.

The young girl passed by many of the Gerudo townsfolk, who merely found the girl's antics and laughter enjoyable or very midly annoying. The Gerudo had a strict work first, play later mindset.. but of course children will be children in their encompassed youth and desire for entertainment. The girl eventually took a turn through the plaza, suddenly stopping in her tracks when she realized the trail her friend led her to, was none other than the palace.. said friend seemingly hiding in there as she swallowed a lump in her throat. Seconds would pass before a voice called back to her from the entrance of the palace.

"Hey! Rivia!! Aren't we playing still?" The person called out as a young girl around the same age stepped out into the main doorway, the sun reflecting and shining off her mocha colored skin, sky blue eyes, and her bejeweled accessories, her bright red hair in a ponytail waving in the wind elegantly. A smile that rivaled the sun's bright splendor was right at home on her face as she tilted her head to the side, playful confusion evident in her expression.

"B-But Namaiya, this is the Chief's palace! I-If we get caught we'll be in serious trouble... Shouldn't we play elsewhere?" Rivia inquired, her demeanor now showing extreme nervousness as she played with her fingers anxiously, her eyes not meeting her friend's.

"Oooh don't be scared, the guards are currently attending to a meeting with the Chief, who called them... said it was of 'upmost importance'.. So we're fine!" Namaiya replied playfully, chuckling to herself at her impression of said Chief.

"Besides, we never get to see what it's like in here!! It could be lots of fun~" She added, using her index finger to beckon her friend towards her in the entrance. Meanwhile Rivia was lost in thought, debating heavily on heeding her friend's words to explore the housing of their proud chief.

"W-Well.... I guess.... a few moments of exploring wouldn't hurt.." She replied timidly, finally returning her friend's gaze to see a beaming smile on said friend's face. The young girl suddenly spun around so her back faced her, a challenging smirk taking form as she looked back at her.

"Last one to the throne and back is a rotten Molduga Egg!!" Namaiya exclaimed, running into the encompassing shadow within the Palace's entrance. Quick on her feet, Rivia began to sprint up the steps to give chase. "H-Hey! Wait up!!" She called out as her figure soon got swallowed in the dark embrace of the palace.
"Namaiya? Namaiya?!" Rivia called out as she made her way into the spacious hall of the palace, doing her best to be both quick and light on her feet out of fear of getting caught. Looking around the main room, her friend was nowhere to be found. She look past the sandstone pillars, under tables, into smaller vacant rooms, and overall searching the place up and down to no avail. Rivia let out a defeated sigh as she hung her head low, until the voice of her friend caught her attention once more.

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