Chapter 1: The Chief.

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A Long time ago, in the land of Hyrule. A man of the Zonai, a people said to have descended from Gods... came to the earth. He lived amongst the native people of the land, the Hyruleans. bringing his own forms of kindness and gifts amongst them. One day he would meet a Hyrulean woman, their meeting would be fruitful as a relationship soon bloomed from the seeds of fate that laid before them. Eventually, the two would soon take each other's hands in marriage, bringing forth the creation of the kingdom.. of Hyrule.

This man's name was Rauru, and his wife, Sonia. The first king and queen of Hyrule. In response to this union, Rauru gifted his wife a magical stone, one that amplified one's abilities tenfold. Together the couple, soon accompanied by a hyrulean girl named Zelda would rule over the land.. using their great power to bring light and peace to the kingdom for ages........

What a sick joke this is.. Truly the meaning of a ruler is foreign to the Zonai and Hyruleans alike. All that power and it remains squandered, with corruption and rebellion going right under their noses, yet they lazily sit high and mighty on their thrones, refusing to act in hopes to "preserve peace"... pathetic.

A true king would use such abilities to keep a watchful eye over those he rules, erasing opposition and keeping a firm grip on his subjects' hearts.... If Rauru's leadership is what an age of light looks like, then it must be wiped out. Darkness should be brought upon the land if it means a true king must take the throne of Hyrule, a king that fights, a king that brings order, a king....... Like me..

I, am Ganondorf. Chief of the Gerudo, and this is the story of how I.. Shall conquer and rule Hyrule.


Outside POV.

The Gerudo Desert, a fourth of Hyrule's mainland consists of said desert. This land is renowned for the scorching heat when the sun is high in the sky, almost never obstructed by a single cloud which gave it uninhibited power through its mighty rays upon the landscape. Along with the smoldering hot of the day, came the frigid embrace of the nights, the cold kiss of the winds that blow throughout the dunes of sand make setting up any new settlements near impossible. To top off such conditions, this land is cut off from many resources, food and water are scarce and materials for any homes is almost nonexistent. Cut off by the highland mountains and deep crevasses that are riddled with dangerous creatures of all sizes and forms.

The Precinct of the Gerudo King.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat