Part 36

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Richard Webber listened to the caller on the other end of the phone as Callie Torres looked on in silence. Stil in a bit of shock.

"You should count your lucky stars Dr. Torres. The Sloans have asked that we not terminate you. They won't be pressing charges at this time either." Richard explained.

"They're not married yet." CLlie mumbled. 

"Excuse me? Should Ignore their request Dr. Torres? Because you obviously haven't learned your lesson here. At this point I would be happy to fire you and since it happened on hospital grounds also press charges." Richard fumed.

"No sir. Sorry." She cleared her throat and repeated it louder.

"Good. Your disciplinary action will be as follows: 60 day suspension without pay. You will be ordered regular counseling and anger management. You will continue with those sessions until both counselors deem you fit to discontinue their treatments.  In addition You also will not return to your OR privileges until both have signed off and you will be on a one year probation.  Dr. Sloan has informed me that they will file a formal restraining order if you attempt to contact Dr. Robbins
In and outside of SGMW. When you return your contact will be limited to consults with Dr. Robbins only. Any co surgeries passed on to one of your colleagues. If you fail to comply with with any of these terms and  conditions your employment will be terminated and both the Sloan's and the hospital will press criminal charges. Do you understand Callie?" Richard softened his tone a bit at the end.

"Yes. But I live across the hall from them." She said quietly. Looking at the floor.

"Yes. Dr. Sloan took that into consideration.  They will be moving within the next few months. Just use your common sense Callie. Take a vacation. Miami has counselors. Spend time with Sofia. She needs her Mommy. You need her." Richard guided her.

"I wonder where they're moving to." Callie said out loud to herself.

"Dammit Torres you have to get a grip on yourself. The people in this hospital care about you. Please get the help you need. We need the Callie Torres we know back." Richard finished.

"Yes, sir." Callie replied. Holding back the tears.

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