Part 9

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Arizona Robbins and Mark Sloan were working on the same kid while Derek Shepherd and Richard Webber waited patiently for them just outside of OR 6. Both men dreaded giving them the news.

Mark and Arizona rushed to trauma bay 4. Their friends were working on Callie. Frantically trying to keep her alive. There was blood everywhere. Callie's face was swollen so much she was almost unrecognizable. 

Mark and Arizona's hands found each other instinctively. They knew they weren't allowed to help. They stood there clinging to each other in shock.

As the chief of surgery Richard Webber quickly contacted HR to pull Callie's medical power of attorney.  To make sure they could quickly make decisions. The document read:

It had been changed from Arizona  Robbins the week before the accident.
Richard stood before a very confused Mark and Arizona.  The Chief watched as 2 of his finest surgeons and good friends facial expressions went from confusion to heartbreak. They were lost and he had no answers for them.

Addison Montgomery was the only one that had answers for them. At this moment she was in the OR trying to save their unborn baby's life. And the fact was that as Callie's doctor Addie was sworn by HIPAA.
"The baby Mark." Arizona whispered as she turned into his arms. They both  chose to temporarily ignore the bombshell.  Their concern was for Callie and the baby's wellbeing.

'They have this Ari."  He whispered into her hair. They both cried silent tears for Callie and the baby. Their baby.

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