Part 21

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Chief Richard Webber had heard the rumors about the new couple. He had seen the DNA results for himself. But he wasn't sure he believed Sloan and Robbins were a couple.  Until they showed up in his office asking to come back early from their personal leave. As much as they enjoy being naked together all day they were both surgery junkies. They missed it.

"Dr. Robbins, Dr
Sloan."  Webber welcomed the couple. "We've missed you around here. "

"Good morning sir. We're here to talk to you about being put back on the OR rotation. We are no longer in need of personal leave. As chiefs of our departments we really should be here to run them." Mark stated.

"Well, I don't see why we can't do that. Are you sure you don't want to take the time. Maybe spend some time with Torres?" Richard asked. 

"I'm going to stop you right there Chief." Mark raised his voice a bit. But he quickly reeled it back when Arizona placed her hand on his arm and softly stroked it. "I know you will respect us and understand why  and when I say we will not be going anywhere near Callie Torres, sir
" He finished.

The Chief did understand.  He didn't have to like the whole sordid situation. Three of his best surgeons and friends are in pain. He sadly can't blame the two. The couple thanked Richard and Matk placed his hand on Arizona's lower back and gently guided her out of the Chief's office.

Webber couldn't help but hope the man and woman were at least helping each other mend from the whole thing.

Webber was expecting Carlos Torres that morning. Richard
was unsure whether Mr. Torres would leave Callie and the baby under the care of SGMW or transfer them to a hospital in Miami. Addison signed over her role as Callie's medical power at the request of Callie's father due to her conflict of interest as Callie's doctor. 

In the mean time Callie's memory still hadn't returned. She still asked for Arizona and Msrk. Rumors spread through the hospital like wildfire. The news of the couple's disappearance and why was the topic of almost every conversation. But not as much as the status of the newest couple. The chief had threatened everyone from interns and nurses to the heads of departments. He had called a nmeeting stating that Dr. Torres rehabilitation and healing would not be compromised by gossip and innuendo. If he heard anyone or if it was reported they were doing it in front of Callie they would be suspended without pay and surgeons would be suspended from the OR indefinitely.

Upon his arrival Carlos Torres found his daughter confused,alone and scared.

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