Part 32

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Girls/Boys night

Tonight Mark was joining Derek,Owen and Henry for their bi weekly night out together smoking cigars and drinking good scotch while their wives had their little hen party drinking wine and gossiping at Mark and Arizona's place.

Mer,Cristina and Teddy showed up with with their favorite snacks while Arizona supplied the refreshments. Lots of wine and a little tequila. She never dreamed she would call Meredith Grey and Cristina Yang two of her closest friends. Especially when they had been so close to Callie.  But Dr. Torres' betrayal had burned a lot of bridges. 

Tomorrow was their 12 week checkup. Then they could tell their friends. They each just had to get through this night.

Cristina was the first to notice Arizona had only drinking water all night.

"What the hell blondie? You get us drunk while you drink water all night?" Cristina quipped.

"Yeah. I've been having some stomach problems. I'm taking it easy on the wine." She explained. 

Teddy was suspicious because Arizona had been scarfing down a lot of junk food all night for someone with a stomach issue. Then she had remembered that her wine loving best friend had only ordered lemonade when they had met her and Henry for dinner last week. Teddy noticed Arizona's  subconsciously touching her stomach.

"YOU'RE PREGNANT!!" Teddy exclaimed before she realized  she was saying it out loud. Half question. Half accusation.

Arizona stopped in her tracks. Nearly choking on her chip and dip.

"You are!" Meredith said with a huge grin on her face.

"I- uh don't know what you're talking about." Arizona stammered. Not looking any of the women in the eye.

"Holy shit. You really are." Cristina said almost in shock.  "Leave it to the manwhore to knock up the lesbian."

"Technically she's bi now,Yang." Teddy corrected.

Sensing the conversation was going off the rails fast Arizona blurted out the truth.

"Okay. I'm pregnant.  No. It wasn't planned. And before you ask, Cristina, smart ass, it is definitely Mark's baby." Arizona smiled almost dreamily.

"How far along are you Zona?" Meredith asked.

"Twelve weeks tomorrow. We were going to tell you after we had our 12 week scan. You were going to be my first stop Teds. Both Mark and I wanted to wait until I was 12 weeks."

"I totally understand sweetie." Teddy hugged her. Quickly followed by Mer and Cristina.  The women were happy for their friends.

"Shit, AZ. It's bad enough you have to live across the hall from Torres. But now you're going to be carrying Sloan's actual spawn." Cristina brought up.

"Damn ironic." Mer laughed.

"Here's to Arizona,
Mark and baby Sloan! May your baby be happy and healthy!" Cristina toasted as they raised their glasses.

"Now let's see that ultrasound.  I know you have one close by." Meredith said.

Arizona happily complied. She went to their bedroom and returned with it.

"Damn. It is Sloan's baby. It has his nose." Cristina deadpanned.  The women all laughed.

Across town Mark Sloan couldn't keep the amazing news one more day either. His three best friends toasted to the health of the new baby Sloan. Derek Shepherd and Owen Hunt were happy for their friend. Mark deserved something good in his life. Arizona Robbins was in love with him and having his baby. He couldn't have dreamed of a better life.  Next he showed the men the ring he had his pocket. He wss going to ask hus Angel to marry him.....

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