Part 27

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***Smut warning***

It was date night. Arizona and Mark had gone to dinner with Derek,Meredith, Owen and Cristina. Then met Alex and his new girlfriend, intern Jo Wilson for drinks and to play some darts at Joe's. They had late mornings and hadn't been home when Callie Torres and her sister Aria entered Callie's apartment.  Callie had made the decision to stay in Seattle. She would  fight for Arizona and beg for Mark's forgiveness. To do that she needed to live in her old apartment. She couldn't get anyone to answer questions about Arizona. She became obsessed. She didn't even know where Arizona was living. It was frustrating when her friends avoided her direct questions. Even though she understood. She didn't push it.

Around 1 am the drunk duo stumbled off the elevator headed to apartment 501. Kissing and laughing. Teasing each other. They were barely able to keep their hands and mouths off each other. They were feeling pretty good from their nightcaps. Mark and Arizona came home horny and headed straight to their bedroom. Clothing strewn hurriedly across their apartment.  Their arousal out of control as they barely made it to their bed. Mark lay beneath his beautiful girlfriend as the blonde moved on top of him. Slow and easy she rolled her hips taking all 8 inches of him inside her. Never taking her eyes off of him. Mark's hands on her beautiful breasts as he rolled her hardened nipples between his fingers. He couldn't help but think how extraordinarily sexy she is.

"God you're hot, Angel." He breathed. His moans of pleasure are not outdone by hers. She began to move her hips faster as Mark thrust himself deeper inside her. The headboard banging against the wall as she rode him hard. Arizona's head thrown back in desire. He pulled her forward to take his nipple on her mouth. She moaned lustfully and he continued sucking snd swirling his tongue around her nipples. He moved his hand between them teasing her clit. Their bodies are in an amazing rhythm.

"Ahh fuck. Ari! Shit!" His pleasure was so intense that he knew he wouldn't last much longer. He felt her walls tighten on his member almost on cue and she began to scream his name.

"I'm coming baby. Fuck me harder!" She demanded.

"Yes!" He growled loudly.

Their orgasms were both crazy intense. Arizona collapsed on top of her lover. Both catching their breath and savoring the moment.

"Fuck Mark!" She panicked for a moment. 

"I know right.  Baby that was amazing." Mark exclaimed. 

"No..I mean yes it was...but shit Mark.  We-we forgot the condom!."

Arizona had tried the pill but had a bad reaction.she had missed her appointment to have intrauterine bc device but had emergency surgery and hasn't had time to reschedule. 

Arizona lay her head on Mark's chest. Both quietly thinking.

"It will be okay Angel.  No matter what happens. We are Dr's.  We can get the morning after pill. Whatever you choose baby."

"Im exhausted.  Let's talk about it tomorrow. " She nuzzled into his neck.

"I love you Angel." He whispered as he kissed the top of her head. 

"I love you too, baby." She responded sleepily. Fell8ng asleep safely in his arms.

Callie Torres was awake and feeding her baby when she heard the commotion in the hallway earlier. She waited until Sofia fell asleep and decided to rip the band aid off and knock on Mark's door. She asked Aria to keep an eye on Sofia and headed across the hall.

The couple was sleeping when the knock at their door came. Arizona heard it first. She was confused and still clinging to Mark in her sleep. 

"Mark. Baby." She whispered.

"Mmm?" Mark mumbled sleepily.  She reached up and kissed him on the mouth. He kissed her back and threw his leg over her and pulled her closer.

Damn it. I guess I have to get out of this warm bed she thought. She pushed his heavy leg off her and it woke him up.

"Where are you going?" He grumbled.

"To answer the door."


"What the hell? It's after 3 am. You're not answering that. I will. It could be an axe murderer." He said hoarsely. 

Arizona laughed. "Then go answer it. My big protector.

Mark laughed and pounded his chest. He pulled on his boxers and t shirt then kissed Arizona before he made his way to answer the door cursing their unwanted  intruder.

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