Chapter 4

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"What took you so long?" Reagan is the first to notice that I'm back at the table. I panic slightly at her question as I quickly search for an excuse. "Some reporter stopped me and had me answer some questions about the banquet. He mentioned something about Eric wanting to know." I try to sound as uninterested as possible so that my excuse is more believable. "Oh, I hate reporters. They're so fucking nosey. Like, it's none of their damn business what I do in my personal time." Bonnie takes a long sip from her glass of wine and I start to wonder how many of those she's finished. I'm going to assume a lot based on the three empty bottles of wine currently littering the table. "How did you manage to get another one of those?" I ask Bonnie, referring to the newest wine bottle on the table. 'Oh, simple. I asked a different waiter," Bonnie replied while keeping her focus on the stage. I realized then I had been gone long enough to completely miss The Fabulous Thunderbirds set and the first half of Stevie Ray Vaughan's set. Stevie was now finishing up 'Texas Flood' his brother, Jimmie Vaughan, had joined him on stage to play guitar with him. I could tell as Stevie got closer to finishing his set that Reagan's excitement had grown, Tedeschi Trucks Band was set to play after Stevie and that meant she would get her new crush in the spotlight.

~~~~~~~~~~POV: Reagan~~~~~~~~~~

Stevie's set had just finished and I could feel my anticipation growing by the minute. I watched as the stage crew began switching out the gear and instruments on the stage. I once again looked over to the table where Gabe had been sitting, realizing it was completely empty, except for the woman that I realized was the same one who had yelled at me in the lobby earlier today. I shake my head and move to watch the stage again. I could hear everyone at the table in conversation, but at the moment I didn't care that much about what they were talking about. It didn't feel like too much longer when the lights in the room began to dim, and dark silhouettes were seen moving to different spots on the stage. I grabbed Samantha's arm out of excitement and shook her slightly, "Samantha! I am so excited!" At this I watched her roll her eyes but I could see the amusement behind them. Once the lights on stage turned on, I immediately spotted Gabe, who was sitting at the keyboards. "Oh, he plays the keyboards!" I said excitedly. "What's so exciting about that?" I heard Mia ask. "Well, when I was younger I took a few piano lessons. We have something in common," I explained to her excitedly. I watch the band excitedly as they begin their first song, 'Just as Strange'. The first song goes by quickly as they transition into the second song, 'Ain't That Something', which I soon discover is a song where Gabe's the main vocalist. "So, not only does he look amazing, but he's got an amazing voice too!" I say, unable to contain my excitement. "I think someone may be a little too obsessed," Samantha says with amusement in her voice. "No, she's not wrong." Maggie says, and I realize she's also watching Gabe, "plus that ass is lookin' hella juicy on that bench." I feel a wave of anger come over me towards the woman I only met about an hour ago as I watch Samantha give her a disgusted look. "What?!" Maggie asked her, clearly offended, "I opened their show for them a couple weeks ago, and let me tell you my eyes were on him most of the night." I rolled my eyes and looked towards Mia clearly annoyed, "Who invited that dumb bitch anyways?" "Ummm, I think Eric did, and how have you already decided she's a 'dumb bitch'? You barely know her." I could hear the amusement and curiosity in Mia's voice as she said this. "I don't have to know her," I replied as I sent a hateful gaze in Maggie's direction. "Right," I hear Mia say doubtfully. Gabe's song was unfortunately over way too quickly but that didn't stop me from enjoying the rest of the band's set. I make a mental note to check out more of their music later. When they finish, I hear the lead singer, Susan, mention that the band will be out by their merch table for autographs. Immediately after hearing this I stand from my seat muttering a quick excuse about needing to go to the bathroom. I can feel most of the table's confused gazes on me as I move quickly from the room.

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