Hold On

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Hyun sat against the wall, scanning everyone's movements. Na-yeon had her head resting on Hyun's shoulder. She let out small shudders every now and then. Gyeong-su was still in a state of shock that Na-yeon would almost kill him, and Ms. Park was in disbelief.

"Hey," Hyun whispered to Na-yeon. She didn't answer, just let out a low hum. "I'm sure your parents are fine somewhere, and this whole thing will be sorted out."

Na-yeon scoffed. "Yeah, they probably left without me to save themselves."

"Na-yeon..." Hyun bit her lip and looked at everyone else. She adjusted her position and looked into Na-yeon's eyes. "Tell me...what's wrong?"

Na-yeon rolled her eyes. "It's not like we're stuck in a zombie apocalypse with no hope for freedom."

"Hey," Hyun scolded lightly, teasingly. "Don't be so pessimistic. That's my job."

Na-yeon let out a small giggle at that before lowering her eyes. "Why did you...stop me?"

"Hm?" Hyun glanced at Na-yeon, her eyes unusually soft.

"You stopped me from going out," Na-yeon said, fidgeting with a button on her cardigan. "In any other situation, you wouldn't have done that."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Hyun scoffed, though amused.

Na-yeon rolled her eyes. "Everyone knows you're not the type to...care about other's emotions or stuff. You...act so self-absorbed and pessimistic like you don't care about anything."

"Yeah, well," Hyun sighed and glanced away. "Zombie apocalypses change you, I guess."

Hyun perked up after hearing the conversation that the others were having.

"Should she even be alive?" Ji-min asked, gesturing to Na-yeon. Na-yeon probably heard as she buried her face into her hands, sobbing quietly. Hyun held her close, glaring at the conversation.

"What do you mean?" Dae-su asked, quirking an eyebrow in response.

"She attempted to murder someone." Ji-min clarified. "She almost killed Gyeong-su and almost walked out of here until...Hyun, for some reason, had the audacity to keep her alive."Is it even right for her to be alive? Aren't you all being fake?"

"Hey," Ms. Park spoke calmly, looking at Ji-min. "Enough. What's done is done, but she didn't do it."

"Doesn't mean she won't try," Ji-min scoffed. "She's better off dead."

Na-yeon let out a low whimper and broke down again, gaining the attention from the others.

"Everyone hates me..." Na-yeon whimpered, wiping her eyes. "I get it."

"Na-yeon," Hyun sighed and held the girl closer. "You made a mistake. A big one. It can't be forgiven easily, but please don't do it again."

"My sister..." Na-yeon croaked out. "I hope she's alive... we've never had a close relationship, but I still love her..."

Hyun nodded and sighed. "I hope my sister's alright too."

"Hey." Su-hyeok interrupted everyone, fiddling with his thumbs. "I feel weird saying this, but--"

"Don't say it." Wu-jin interrupted, shrugging.

"Does anyone else have to go to the bathroom by any chance?" Su-hyeok asks nervously. Hyun covers her mouth to stiffle a laugh. "Am I the only one?"

Dae-su nods, reluctantly speaking up. "I do."

"We have to go, too, actually." Hyo-ryung mumbles, speaking for both her and Ji-min. "But we can't go out."

Hyun notices Na-yeon whimpering and looks at her. "What's wrong?"

"I kinda have to go too..." She mumbles, as if embarrassed.

Hyun groans and leans back, whispering. "Fuck..."


"Why are you blaming me for this? Su-hyeok brought it up." Dae-su yelled at them. They were all staring at him like he grew a second head. "Pooping's not a crime."

Hyun covered her ears, clearly disgusted by all of this. "Guys, can we like, not?"

"Don't you need to go?" Dae-su asked, defensively.

"Not me," Hyu  shuddered at the thought.

Cheong-san nodded in response. "I do, too. Not poop, but, you know…"

Gyeong-su snickers. "I don't think anyone needs to take a shit besides you."

Dae-su scoffed, turning to Hyo-ryung. "Don't you need to go?"

"Why are you asking me?" Hyo-ryung asked, completely baffled.

"Why are you getting annoyed?" Dae-su spat, quirking an eyebrow in annoyance.

"What do you want from us?"

"I have an idea." Dae-su smirked, looking around. "First… The girls and the guys will take turns." He gestures to the window.

"You're crazy." Hyo-ryung scoffed, grabbing ahold of Ji-min's arm.

"What reaction is he hoping for?" Wu-jin asked, furrowing his brows.

Na-yeon grimaces at the idea and scrunches her face up. "That is...completely and utterly disgusting."

"Let's just hold it." Ji-min suggests, glaring at Dae-su in disgust. "If the rescuers come--"

"It'll take a while for them to get here." On-jo interrupts, already calculating a plan. "It may be the same outside of the school. I don't know how long we'll be stuck here, but my dad always told me to separate the bathroom from where you sleep if you find yourself stranded."

Hyun glanced around, folding her arms before keeping her gaze locked on the window of the recording room. "We could use the recording room." The others looked towards the room and nodded in agreement.

On-jo immediately gestures to Hyun, Na-yeon, Nam-ra, Ji-min, and Hyo-ryung, "Nam-ra and you guys, try to look for something to cover the window. Cheong-san and Joon-yeong, make something that can absorb urine and feces to use as a toilet. And then the rest of you… A screen?"

"A screen?" Wu-jin asks, tilting his head in confusion.

"Yes, a screen to block." On-jo confirms, pointing to the window.

Everyone than got to work with creating their makeshift bathroom. The girls found CD's, tape, folders, and papers to cover the windows. Hyun glared up at the window as the other girls were doing their work. She had to improvise and grab a chair, standing on it so she could help. She hated being short. On-jo handed them tape whenever they needed so they could tape the windows for privacy.

Hyun sat down on a desk, relieved. Na-yeon sat beside her, everyone keeping their distance from her. Gyeong-su, however, was sitting beside Na-yeon on the other side.

"At least there are cops and soldiers out there, right?" Hyo-ryung asks, a bit nervously as she clung to Ji-min's arm.

"But if you watch the movies, they can't do anything, either, right?" Wu-jin explains, sighing as he folds his arms in frustration.

"Yeah, but they always save everyone in the end." Hyo-ryung insists. Clearly she's never watched a zombie show before.

Dae-su walked out of the recording room and Hyun gagged in disgust, covering her nose. Na-yeon seemed to have the same idea.

"Why don't you just stay inside?" Su-hyeok asked, rolling his eyes.
Ji-min groaned in annoyance and folded her arms.

"Stop being so dramatic." Dae-su complained, huffing and sitting down. "It doesn't smell at all."

"I feel like Dae-su is gonna be what ends up killing us," Hyun says, rolling her eyes. "The zombies are the least of our worries."

"Bitch," Dae-su scoffed and turned away.

"God, that shit fucking stinks," Hyun continued, hiding back her grin.

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