Death in Numbers

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Coach Kang turned fully, and he lunged at Min-ji. The girl screamed as Coach bit her.

"Guys, we should get out of here as soon as possible." Wu-jin mumbled as he started to throw the chairs and tables away.

Hyun backed away, heart pounding. Su-hyeok took action and threw Coach Kang to the ground. He used to be a bully so that's why he knows how to fight.

Cheong-san quickly grabbed a table and shoved Coach Kang against the wall, trying to keep him in place.

Hyun took action and started to remove the barricade. She turned towards Na-yeon, "Will you fucking help?!"

Na-yeon quickly helped Hyun in removing the barricade. She was panicking and scared, but who wouldn't be in a situation like this? Coach Kang fucking lied. Su-hyeok joined in helping to remove the barricade as well, as he was more athletic and strong.

Gyeong-su noticed Cheong-san struggling with keeping Coach Kang at bay, so he quickly took action and helped Cheong-san. Min-ji started to sob, moving a hand towards her mouth.

"I don't want to die." She whispered, focusing her gaze on Dae-su. She struggled to get up, but once she did, she spotted Na-yeon and stumbled towards her.

Na-yeon noticed and her eyes widened in fear. "Don't come closer. Get away from me. No!" She quickly landed a kick on Min-ji's chest, sending her back to the ground. Hyun quickly pulled more chairs down.

"Na-yeon!" She shouted. "Will you fucking help me and stop worrying about those fucking zombies?!"

Na-yeon squeaked in fear and quickly helped, removing chairs and tables.

Min-ji turned completely and instantly attacked Dae-su, but he dodged her attack. He wrapped his large arms around her into a bear hug. He was in distress of his friend dying. "Stop it. Step out of the club, please."

Na-yeon removed the final desk and looked around frantically, opening the door. "We gotta go." Su-hyeok ordered to everyone. Most of them left, but Hyun stayed to help the other boys out with Dae-su. Su-hyeok quickly grabbed Hyun's wrist and ran out with her, despite her flinching at the sudden contact.

Na-yeon quickly ran to the front and held her arms out to stop everyone from advancing. She ended up falling to the ground and scrambling to the ground as zombies came at them from around the corner.

Su-hyeok kicked a zombie down, eyeing frantically of their next escape route. He slammed another zombie into a window, causing the glass to break. A zombie ran at him but he punched it away. Hyun glanced around frantically. She knelt besides Na-yeon and quickly helped her up. Na-yeon held onto Hyun's sleeves, terrified.

Hyun took out a pocket knife she had stored in her pockets. She always carried it just in case... She quickly stabbed a zombie in the brain, causing it to fall limp. Cheong-san unlatched a window and stabbed a zombie in the neck. The other boys quickly grabbed a few windows and stabbed more zombies. Some zombies got past the barricade so Hyun easily stabbed their brains.

"Hey! Get out of the way!" Dae-su yelled loudly with a door in his hands. Where did he get that?! He ran at all of them with the door in a fighting position. All the boys ducked, so Hyun followed suit, quickly grabbing Na-yeon's shoulders and ducking.

Dae-su blocked the zombies out with the door, holding them back with his strength. Hyun let go of Na-yeon and quickly helped Dae-su, trying her best to help him keep the zombies at bay. All the boys and girls decided to help as well, holding the door. Hyun glanced around, trying to find anything.

The zombies go pushed down the stairs, and the boys continued to fight them with their windows.

"Girls, upstairs!" Wu-jin exclaimed to the girls. The girls obeyed his orders, and Hyun grabbed Nam-ra's wrist, not noticing how to girl flinched when she did.

"Boys," Hyun hissed. "Get up the fucking stairs! Don't try to play hero!"

"Then we'll die!" Na-yeon shrieked, causing Hyun to glare at her. The boys followed up the stairs reluctantly.

Hyun looked up, watching as Ji-min screamed and grabbed Nam-ra's arm, pulling her out of the way.

"No! No! Get back!" Ji-min shrieked. The other obeyed quickly, running back down. Hyun readied her knife and stabbed the zombie in the head quickly.

Hyun watched as a zombie reached for Wu-jin, so she knelt down and stabbed its head. Hyun held her hands to her mouth as she staggered back from the stench.

"Dae-su! Watch out!" I-sak shrieked to the taller boy. Hyun glanced at Dae-su who was breathing heavily. He watched as more zombies ran towards him. Dae-su quickly blocked the zombies out, making sure they can't reach anyone else in the group. The girls all decided to help Dae-su, pushing the door to hold the zombies back.

Hyun glanced around, looking around. "We're gonna fucking die!"

"Don't say that!" On-jo shouted. "There's safety in numbers!"

"There's death in numbers too," Hyun scoffed, rolling her eyes. "It's called a fucking massacre."



Wu-jin perked up at the mention of his sister. He looked distraught, but then seemed to remember that she was at her archery thing.

"Why is it taking so long?" Dae-su asked nervously, glancing at the others who were trying to open a door.

Hyun watched as On-jo grabbed the fire extinguisher and started banging the padlock. Once it was open, she quickly pulled I-sak in.

"It's open!" On-jo exclaimed. Hyun watched as Joon-yeong struggled. She grabbed the window he was holding and ushered him inside quickly.

"Get the fuck inside already!" Hyun ordered to them, and they all quickly obeyed. Once everyone was in, Hyun threw the window down and quickly grabbed Dae-su, pulling him in as well.

"Get a desk!" Cheong-san ordered. "Block it!"

Hyun glanced around. Did she miss something?

Na-yeon looked at On-jo, furrowing her brows and holding her hand out. "Give me the phone. I'm gonna try calling again."

"Sorry, I lost it." On-jo mumbled. Na-yeon scoffed and shoved On-jo, causing Hyun to angrily step in front of Na-yeon.

"How could you lose it?" Na-yeon whined.

"Na-yeon," Hyun shouted angrily. "You would have too if you were in her fucking place!"

"Do you say anything other than swears?" Na-yeon huffed, folding her arms.

"Who cares? We got a secured room now." Gyeong-su said.

"Like you can talk." Na-yeon huffed.

"What?" Gyeong-su asked in disbelief.

"It's because you didn't lock the door." Na-yeon huffed, turning to Gyeong-su. "If you had done that, the gym teacher
wouldn't have gotten to us. We almost died because of you."

"Fight after you move these." Ji-min ordered with frustration. "This is not the time."

"Yeah, fight after we finish this. Gyeong-su." Dae-su agreed. Gyeong-su grumbled and went to stack some chairs. Na-yeon angrily threw her headband across the room, and Hyun noticed her eyes become glassy with tears.

Hyun folded her arms, "What's your problem?"

"I don't have a problem!" Na-yeon shouted angrily.

"You obviously fucking do," Hyun answered, grabbing Na-yeon's wrist. She noticed Na-yeon flinch as she did, but the girl quickly regained her composer and glared.

Na-yeon huffed and lowered her head, clenching her fists. "So fucking annoying..."

"What is?" Hyun raised an eyebrow.

"Everything!" Na-yeon glared and threw her hands up in exasperation. "Zombies attacking our school, everyone arguing, horror movies becoming real, and to top it off, I don't know where my sister is!"

"Your sister?" Hyun asked. "You have a sister?"

Na-yeon nodded but before she could respond, On-jo spoke.

"Su-hyeok? Has anyone seen him?"

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