Stubborn Teenagers

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"That doesn't even look like a bite mark," Hyun replied, rolling her eyes in amusement. Gyeong-su took a few steps towards the terrified girl, looking fed up. 

"I got it from the computer before Hyun stopped me. Didn't you see that?" He asked her, watching as she scrambled backwards away from him. The rest of the group was frozen, not sure what to do. 

"I-I watched you get bit!" Na-yeon argued, wild eyes landing on On-jo. "His nose is bleeding, just like I-sak's! Right, On-jo?" 

The petite girl didn't answer and looked away from her, grief washing over her again. Hyun sighed and folded her arms. "Na-yeon, stop it. Su-hyeok hit him with the mop and he scratched his hand with the computer."

Gyeong-su scoffed at her. "I can't believe this. I got this trying to save all of you." He said, his voice shaking in disbelief and anger. Cheong-san approached his best friend and examined his hand. He nodded. 

"It's not a bite. It's a scratch. Whoever wants to check, come look." He offered and Su-hyeok, Wu-jin, Dae-su, and Ms. Park each examined his scratches. Hyun stepped back, folding her arms in disbelief.

"Well, it really doesn't look like a bite. Thank god. It's a scratch." Ms. Park confirmed and the room relaxed, a few of the students slumping in visible relief. 

"Jesus, Gyeong-su, you almost threw away our computer," Joon-yeong said, sighing in relief. 

"What were you thinking, man?" Dae-su asked Gyeong-su with a sigh. The male, in response, fixtated a glare on him. 

"I just grabbed the closest thing to me!" He defended himself. "I was trying to save your lives, be grateful." 

"I mean, uh, yeah, thanks, you did good," Dae-su patted him on the back, reassuring him before facing Na-yeon. "Hey, Na-yeon. Look. Say sorry. End this." 

Na-yeon was isolating herself a good distance away from Gyeong-su with a shake of her head. "I'm right. He could be infected." She whined, trying to get any of them to believe her. 

"Wait, can touching his hand infect him?" Cheong-san asked her. Na-yeon knew she was losing this fight, which is why you had no clue why she was continuing it. Her superiority complex wouldn't allow her to lose. 

"I have no idea but maybe." Na-yeon answered and Hyun sighed, stepping towards her.

"Na-yeon, please." Hyun whispered. "He's not infected."

"How would you know?" Na-yeon asked, irritated.

"I've watched enough zombie movies to know," Hyun sighed, folding her arms.

"Fine." Na-yeon grumbled.

It didn't calm her enough though, as Gyeong-su was made to stay in the other room for about 30 minutes because of his stubbornness.

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