Phones and Missions

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"We got separated in the teacher's office." Su-hyeok swallowed nervously, watching On-jo's eyes fall. Gyeong-su looked afraid. "I'm sorry… for coming back alone."

On-jo went towards the window and looked outside along with Gyeong-su.

"Fucking figures," Hyun said in frustration, putting a hand to her forehead. "God fucking dammit..."

Gyeong-su sighed and turned back. "I'm sure he can handle himself."

Hyun shrugged, glancing at Su-hyeok. "He's not exactly a fighter like Bare-su."


"Guys!!" Eun-woo panicked, rushing towards the others, breathing heavily. "Run!"

The others didn't have time to register before they all took note of a very furious Gwi-nam following them.


"Phone?!" Mi-jin asked, running quickly.

"I managed to grab one," Eun-woo mumbled.

"Holy shit," Mi-jin whispered. The take a sharp turn and rush into the library quickly.

"We're gonna die before we ever find your brother." Mi-jin hissed to Ha-ri, causing her to glare at the older but shorter girl. "Oh, shit."

They quickly jumped onto the bookshelves as Gwi-nam entered, glaring menacingly at them. "Give me the fucking phone, Eun-woo."

Ha-ri quickly snatched the phone and jumped back onto another bookshelf.

"Go fuck yourself," Mi-jin glared, throwing a book at the bully.

He snarled, but now turned his focus to Ha-ri who held the phone.

"I told you we should just stay put, didn't I?" Jun-seong whimpered.

"Stop," Ha-ri snapped as Gwi-nam climbed onto the bookshelf Eun-woo was on. She gasped and hopped on the one beside that one that had Min-jae. Gwi-nam hopped on another bookshelf beside Ha-ri.

"Hand me the phone and I'll leave you alone," Gwi-nam growled.

He's probably lying.

Ha-ri probably knew that too as she instantly readied her bow and arrows.

Another book thrown at his head.


He growled and jumped towards her, grabbing her by the throat, the turned to Ha-ri. "You shoot, I'll kill her."

Ha-ri hesitated, but reluctantly lowered her bow.

Gwi-nam grinned and started walking closer to Ha-ri. "Give me the phone."

Ha-ri glared and shook her head. "You'll have to kill me first."

Gwi-nam had fast reflexes and he threw Mi-jin down onto the ground, but she quickly climbed back up on a different bookshelf before the zombies could get to her. Gwi-nam had jumped at Ha-ri and pinned her down.

Ha-ri struggled under his grip as she dropped her bow and arrows just a few inches away. Ha-ri punched him in the face.

An arrow shot Gwi-nam in the shoulder. He glanced over at the one who shot him. Min-jae. He glared and held pressure onto Ha-ri's neck.

Eun-woo gulped. She knew this was her fault, so she had to do something, but she was too scared. She looked around quickly and sighed. She hopped over and lunged at Gwi-nam, causing the two to roll over onto the ground with the zombies. Eun-woo scrambled up, but Gwi-nam grabbed her hair.

An arrow shot right into his eye.

Eun-woo looked at Ha-ri with wide eyes. Ha-ri quickly helped Eun-woo up as Gwi-nam screamed in pain and anger. "I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU, HA-RI!"

Zombies attacked him, and started eating him.

They managed to make it out of the library and into the halls, running into the closest room.

Ha-ri sighed and shook her head. "I lost the phone."

"Fuck," Mi-jin breathed out.

Eun-woo looked down, rubbing her arm nervously. "It's okay. At least you're okay."

"Yeah," Min-jae nodded.


"What do we do?" Hyo-ryung whispered quietly to Ji-min. "On-jo and Cheong-san are really close."

"They're going out." Ji-min responded.

"But On-jo told me they're not." Hyo-ryung said, lowering her voice.

Hyun sighed in annoyance. "Just because a boy and a girl are always together doesn't mean they're fucking dating!"

Su-hyeok walked over to On-jo, putting a hand on her shoulder. "I'm sure Cheong-san is fine. You know how fast he is."

"Where do you think… he is now?" On-jo asked quietly, tears falling down.

"Either dead or hiding," Hyun shrugged. "Probably-"

Su-hyeok quickly elbowed her, stopping her sentence.

"" Hyun corrected.

"Joon-yeong. Didn't you mention that your science club made a drone?" On-jo asked, glancing at four-eyes.

"Yeah. You want to look for Cheong-san with it?" He guessed.

"It would be good if we had the drone." Nam-ra spoke up, her voice drained of any emotion. "We can find Cheong-san and then we can see how things are outside. We might even be able to send an emergency message and ask for help."

"That would be good," Gyeong-su mumbled. "But there are zombies up there."

"Not in the supply room," On-jo shrugged.

"We could find Cheong-san," Hyun said. "And then look for other survivors. We can't be the only ones."

"But who's gonna go?" Hyo-ryung asked nervously.

"I wanna go." On-jo said bravely. "I took a fire rescue class, and I've climbed ropes before."

"No, I'll go." Su-hyeok argued.

"Again?" Hyun as asked, rolling her eyes. "You have a fucking death wish?"

"I'm actually going this time so stand back." Dae-su said.

"I'm going." Joon-yeong said, climbing up. On-jo followed up after him.

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